I mis-read your post. I thought you meant you weren't sure when the lockdown was starting for the closure of schools.
I'm not sure he did actually. He said it starts midnight tonight but actually starts Tuesday night/Wednesday morning but actually will be debated in parliament on Wednesday.
Which is just bonkers. How can it start tonight but not be law till Wednesday morning but not be debated till later Wednesday?
It actually sounds like it's going to become law before the debate/vote, which doesn't seem lawful to me. It could just be Boris talking ******** again though.
I fall on exactly that bracket. I'm well paid Professional job Easily done from home Nice house and garden etc I ******* hate this lockdown. I am suffering mentally
Sadly only 4/5 for me, worked non stop since all this started. Now I recognize many are envious of that and I should be grateful for what I have. But having to deal with the daily carnage, I'd gladly take furlough on 80%, not that it'll ever be offered.
And just to put some realisation in. It is affecting younger people. Mate of mine in Essex, early 30s. 2 kids, one of which is a month old. He is in hospital now. The only thing keeping him alive is ventilators and the staff in hospital. No other health conditions either. So I guess I'm saying, it can affect anyone at any age, no matter the circumstances. He ain't BAME either. So it truly is a random **** to get
I have no idea whether I have to go into school or not tomorrow yet either. Had an email a few minutes ago saying a rota is being drawn up and everyone else is working from home.
Hope he pulls through, the scary thing is there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who will get it worse.
The majority of adults are "vulnerable" for one reason or another. But even those that aren't can be hit badly - I know of a triathlete/marathon runner (wife's friend) who was struggling to walk up the stairs for the best part of six months afterwards. There are suggestions of a genetic link, but that is still being researched.
Probably no profit in it for Zahawi Warren Medical Limited* *Other companies owned by Tory donors, government ministers and their friends & families are available.
Just had it confirmed both mine will be off school and offered home learning. Despite me pointing out they won't be home learning as it practically impossible for us and I'm a key worker. Devastated.
Ours have said both parents have to be critical workers, not key workers, and even then it will be at their discretion whether they will provide basic childcare facilities. Meanwhile my missus will be in work providing early years facilities for all kids, against the advice of her Union as she actually cares about children from deprived backgrounds being provided with an appropriate educational setting, and can see past the sole concern of whether or not she has a small risk of being ill.
To my shame I lost my cool a little on the phone and just told his teacher not to bother sending work or making pointless welfare check phone calls. Phone when he can go back to school, until then leave us alone. I regret it a little now but I spoke from the heart. I'm not going to pretend he can home schooled and that we are getting by. We will endeavour to keep him happy and safe. Beyond that we aren't trained special needs teachers. That's why he goes to school. Feel utterly abandoned just like last March. Your missus sounds like a wonderful person, fair play to her putting others first.
To be fair mate, this is the government decision now, not individuals making any decisions. And the government guidance is both parents to be critical workers and (expected, still not provided by the DfE) for bubbles of 15 kids. In a lot of cases once vulnerable kids have been taken in to account and critical workers there may not be enough capacity. Rightly or wrongly this is now about reducing the R rate, not staff safety, and to even meet the above guidance will require most staff to be in