This is the same William Briggs who says BMW are ‘woke’ for applauding a transgender racing driver, and that we (I assume America) should never ‘nationalize’ (his spelling, again suggests American) healthcare as it leads to ‘dependance’. Yes William, we have a nationalised healthcare system and we rely on it when we aren’t well... as opposed to trusting insurance companies to pay out. So. Yeah, an alternative view. Not so valid in my eyes though.
Maybe not on purpose? Maybe they didn't know? Maybe rather than answering hundreds of queries individually which they may not have time to do they were going to lay out how home learning would happen when it happened? Only so many hours in a day , and the most important thing would have been teaching and keeping children safe at that time. Could you talk to your kids mother and see if they could have more time at yours so they could do their schoolwork if she isn't able to or won't pay out for a laptop at hers?
To be fair though, there were plenty on this forum who advanced arguments that sounded very much like that against those of us who opposed lockdown.
Last year, the school said they had plans in place to deliver lessons via MS Teams. They emailed everyone. I responded to that. I asked, is that just a video stream meaning they could take the lesson via a mobile if need be and complete work on paper. Or would it mean they would be sent attachments to complete using other MS apps. Not a hard question. An answer to that, would have given us all we need to know. But nothing, given they already announced to everyone they had plans in place. I wanted the practicalities of it, so that I like always, had to sort "her out", despite waiting for a divorce to be finalised. So no, I wont be speaking to their mother about it. We have a comprehensive agreement in place on everything about the lads (again at my doing), and this **** show of a government and lack of a response to a simple question is starting to royally piss me off. No offence like, it's almost as if I'm having to sort everything out myself, on top of trying to do my job, look after 2 lads and now I have to 'shield' again. Believe me, I'm the most organised person in Yorkshire, and it grinds my gears. Welcome to 2021. Same as 2020
Hope your kids are ok. Divorce isn't easy for children to be in the middle of, on top of everything else. I'm awaiting more info from my son's school too.
I know he has his faults, but why would a (barely functional) alcoholic be in favour of prohibition? Unless its a massive plan to get him sober.
Maybe I'm underthinking this, but why not just unplug the computer and they can take it with them, rather than them having to do school work from a phone. 10 minutes max to unplug it and plug it back in.
2 gaming PCs (not laptops) with all the hundreds of wires plugged into monitors and all that. "Unbulding" them and re building them 4 times a week, and leaving my house and being transported back and forth between houses. (They were bought after she took off with another fella) To be Frank, not a chance of that
could it be that services for these things have been underfunded for years ( i hesitate to say deliberately - no in fact funk it, deliberately underfunded) to make the NHS look useless and not fit for purpose? Lock down or no lock down ( i definitely think we should have a full 3 or 4 week lock down) services for mental health, victims of abuse etc aren't funded enough anyway. Maybe instead of moaning on here about lock down causing these things maybe have a look at the charlatans in charge who've led us to this in the first place.
feel a bit sad today, only plus point we done 1 million vaccinations already,lets hope they get everything in place and crack on with it
At current rates, that is 2+ years for the entire adult population. Even with the "aimed for" rate, its over six months.
From a bloke who denies climate change?
I've documented my struggles on here. I too live alone & have had far too much time on my hands & financial worries over most of lockdown. Twice I've been in the same boat. Thankfully things are better now, in that I've taken on a part time consultancy role at my brother's IT company, that has been a massive help, as it is mind bogglingly difficult at times & does distract me from other things that were getting me down. The football has helped & the support bubble rules have meant my girlfriend can come over on a Saturday evening, which with the football has created a sort of "weekend" situation you can look forward to, instead of staring at the same 4 walls every day of my one bedroom flat. A lot of support from BBS members also has meant a great deal.