I don't want them to fold. Hope they can be saved but they will have to accept they will need to be patient and build back up again.
I sincerely hope Wigan can find a suitable solution- this Spanish buyer seems, in the face of it, to be a charlatan. The acrimony between the fans should stop
There shouldn’t be anything personal with the Wigan lot. There’s no real rivalry here. It’s just the circumstances that led to this and it’s about time it was put to bed. The Wiggin fans publicly blame us for their plight - but that is just the loudest on Twitter etc. They deserved what they got for spending what they didn’t have, but their owner did just pull the rug out of nowhere and it could happen to any club. Ours in particular. Most of their fans will be reasonable, and accept their current plight is nothing to do with BFC. We just happened to be the club that survived after they went into administration, though wanting a presence at the appeal didn’t help their view of us. Charlton and/or anyone else in the same position would have done the same though, and their more reasonable contingent know that. I hope for their sake, and for football in general, that the club doesn’t fold. It isn’t looking great for them though.
Not sure how anyone can take pleasure in another football club going to the wall. The behaviour of their fans on twitter (which is the arse hole of the Internet anyway) was a bit weird upon their relegation. But I couldn't imagine what I'd do if it was us in that position.
I don’t want them to fold as much as I disliked how they seemed to pin the blame on us. I’ll settle for them not folding and nicely placed towards the bottom of league 2 though. Seems fair all round.
Interesting read of the cockneylactics forum posts relating to Barnsley during the run-in. They fully expected to get docked 12 points. We were seen as down already before the last two or three matches by quite a few Lactic's fans. The hate only seems to appear after the deduction and the swapping of us with them for relegation. Dependent on resultd it could have been Charlton that stopped up. Hardly the club's fault. I think some of them expected Barnsley to refuse to accept the EFL rules and voluntarily drop down. It's a shame for what's happening to Wigan but it's not our fault.