Quite an extensive list of who is classed as a key workers. If children being at school are one of the main reasons for the spread of covid19 (do we even have that level of data?), not sure how this lockdown will be effective. For example, a school fairly local to me has between 200-300 children. Tomorrow during lockdown, they are expecting a minimum of 150 still to be in school because 1 of their parents is considered a key worker. Scale that up across the country and it does raise the question of how effective the lockdown (around schools) will be.
My wife works at a school that normally has 120 kids. They are planning meals for 100 tomorrow, although it remains to be seen how many actually turn up.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...aining-educational-provision#critical-workers Quite a long list when you look at the jobs making up those sectors. Gov guidance also states just 1 parent as well.
Due to staffing most schools are having to insist that both parents are key workers in order to offer places. They also need to prove this with a letter from employers and proof of shift patterns etc.
Where is the authority for this? I haven’t found one. I think it is the case that if one parent is a critical worker then their children are allowed to school. post above is right by the way - a lot of parents are sending their children to school, certainly many more than last lockdown when schools closed. Me included.
Is there is distinction between a critical worker and key? The terms seem to be used interchangeably. The government guidance is appalling on the subject.
Probley one parent due to the fact if for example the husband earns 80k a year doing something none essential and the wife is a nurse or any other NHS front line staff. Which one will stay at home and home school the kids? The one bringing in the least income.
Oh yeah, completely get it from a public/family perspective. Financially it is hard for everybody so that will always factor. It's another no win situation for many people, just wondering how effective the latest lockdown will be.
Problem is, as before, Schools have been given very little guidance from the Government. For example classrooms which would normally have 30 pupils in can only have much less (6 or 8) but still need staff. Schools physically can't house them. On top of this, teachers are expected to deliver face to face online learning. Then you've got parents taking the piss. One might be a key worker and the other is sat at home. Should they be allocated a place above a child who has both parents as key workers? It's an impossible situation that the clown Boris has left them to sort.
My son was in school today because myself and my wife are critical key workers . My wife is a nurse and I work in the rail industry . Usually 30 kids in his class but today they were 6 . School emailed at 9am to say they were now full to capacity lots of children with key worker parents still missed out today
Can I just recommend that if anyone had kids that struggles with their mental/physical health in the last lockdown, that you speak to their schools. My youngest is in the middle of precocious puberty at 7, ad the change in routing caused her huge emotional problems(many of which we are still trying to put right to this day). When the schools went back initially, we contacted the school to prepare them for the changes in her, and the head promised us that if the school has to close again, he will make sure there is at the very least a part-time place for her. We got a call again this morning and he has created a full-time place for her now, to try and keep any damage caused by the lockdown to a minimum. Obviously, not every school will be able to cater for every child, but in extreme cases(@SuperTyke for example, you mentioned a child in your family was really struggling), it's worth a try...
Key and critical worker roles seem to cover every job except in leisure, hospitality and retail. So basically once again it's not a proper lockdown. The rate figures won't come down like between March and May last year. Too many people will still be mixing. It'll just drag is out further and further. The summer again will lower numbers and the government will claim credit. I have a funny feeling I'll be having another Christmas dinner before i get a jab.
Nailed it mate, no proper timetable for critical public servants getting jabs. In the press conference seems we've not got enough vaccinations on hand let alone staff to carry out a mass programme.
Agreed. Wouldn't it have made sense to vaccinate all School staff this week, and get the kids back next week? I don't believe anything we are getting told.
Boris wouldn't be drawn on if kids would all be back at school before the summer holiday. He is learning about over promising but it's worrying if classes aren't full before September.
With that amount of money coming into that household surely they can afford a nanny, wonder if the one that looks after Rees-Mogg wants a bit of overtime.
You live to your means, if you've never needed a nanny before u can't suddenly get one just because Boris concocts some half baked rules up on the hoof, overnight.