Haha, I didn't know that! In that case, I accept I've had an apostrophe catastrophe, and that the thread title could read either 'Pedant's Corner' or 'Pedants' Corner'!
.someone on the Coventry forum watches Forest Green and said he really rated him so fingers crossed .
Speaking of Potts, did anyone sing "Who's Pigs Are These?" at school? We used to sing it as a round at junior school, and I loved it. I reckon it would work well at Oakwell, when we play the Sheffield lot. Who's pigs are these? Who's pigs are these? Oh, they are John Potts', You can tell 'em by the spots, And I found them in the vicarage garden.
On another completely related note. Did you know that Robin Hood was born in Wakefield? Our famous stars goes 1) The Cribs 2) Jane McDonald 3) Robin Hood
https://www.google.com/search?gs_ss...d=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=45xnkYQMgoyDjM No doubt about it.
I only believe this story because The Cribs once said it at a live show, but there is evidence to back it up.
While we’re on this – Dick Turpin’s ride from London to York. He didn’t do it. Some Victorian bloke who wrote a book called ‘Rookwood’ wrongly attributed it to Turpin who was born far too early (or late I can't remember) to have been the right man. That ride did happen though and was likely undertaken by a highwayman called John Nevison. Nevison was born at Wortley Hall and became famed throughout the land, Charles II giving him the nickname ‘Fast Jack.’ Nevison was eventually caught after visiting some alehouse near Wakefield and later executed.