I thought their acting skills were quite good particularly Sol! Kids like the Inbetweeners but being an old fogey the only character I related to was Mr Gilbert!
It's not funny. But it's kind of sweet, totally harmless, and just nice. Very underrated word is nice - it's not cool, it's got no edge, it's nothing that I've ever valued, but I'm starting to, and this is nice. Doesn't make me laugh, makes me cringe a bit, but I like it, despite myself. My 21 year old self would kick the living **** out of me for saying so, but he died a long time ago.
My wonderful colleague’s idea and I love it. Just a harmless bit of fun that all the lads wanted to be a part of, even Sole bless him once we showed him the actual scene from the series. The only issue was doing each player’s clips separately, as obviously we couldn’t have everyone in the one room together. It’s tough times right now, for everyone. If we can make people laugh, cringe, cry, whatever, we’ll try to. Emotions are important. Good or bad. Hopefully the results keep making people smile on the pitch too!
I liked it but whether you did or not, it’s good to see this level of invention from the Comms Team. just one suggestion. Would have been a whole lot funnier if you could have got the Owners playing the four parts. Worth suggesting to them? Conway would have to be Jay .....obviously.
Gets funnier every time I watch it, i like the posters on the wall aswell. well done lads just a bit of fun, welcome carlton Morris.
I just watched it and it really made me laugh. The underrated comment, and by far the funniest line, is Soll saying ‘back when Callum was 2nd choice at MK Dons’. Genius to whoever put that in. Don’t think it beats Barry’s biscuits though.
Kudos to the Media team for trying something different and the Club for allowing it. The acting wasn’t great, but it looked like lighthearted fun, which I suspect is exactly what they was trying to achieve.
Very funny, it’s the behind the scenes stuff as a fan that you love to see in addition to the stuff on the pitch One question though who is going to be Charlotte and Will’s mum ?
It's also very clever in that it's creating something of a 'buzz' on social media. Amazon Prime Video have retweeted it, along with a few others. Those who don't get it think it's terrible, others (like me) love it. Regardless, it's getting people talking about BFC on social media who aren't associated with the club. Kudos to the colleague who came up with the idea, and well done to all involved in its production. The posters on the wall are a stroke of genius.
It's a great idea and put a smile on the lads faces that I share a BFC Whatsapp group with. Would be good to see some of the other scenes acted out as a bit of a running joke, possibly not the one with Jay wnaking with a snorkel on though.
they cant be in the same room together but can hug and kiss each other after scoring. Its all a bit daft if you are doing testing. good job on the video. First view i was like what and then its funnier each time you watch and ive not even seen the original. Lol and its got other clubs talking about us. id like to see sole do an arnie one - he seems to have the accent.
Reckon its all come about from chance remark from Callum saying he was my friend from M K Dons and lads just jumped on it, great sports all who took part
he could do it if Mowatt leaves getting captaincy "I vant your armband, your high crown hat and your parking space"
I'm in the "love it" group. The lads having a giggle. Great for bonding. Great that the lads not involved will now start taking the **** out of the ones that were. Sheriff's point is spot on....it's got people, who otherwise wouldn't have been interested, talking about us. Great job by the person in the comms team who came up with the idea. Today Oakwell - tomorrow Hollywood. Can't understand YTC's comment about having to film them in different rooms; is the protocol really such that they can get changed in the same dressing room but can't do the vid together........or is it because the VT wouldn't be classed as "work"? Interested to know.
It's about ventilation. You can't have them all in an enclosed space without masks on like that. We even filmed it from outside that actual room. When we knew we were ready to announce Liam Kitching, the idea was to take Val to Wickes and have him walk around and when someone comes to ask if they can help, he'd say "I'm looking for a new kitchen." We'd then have him wheeling Liam out on a trolley. Honest. But COVID has killed a lot of fun stuff we'd like to do, sadly.