Nope, the flu graph was below and is almost a flatline. Note the scales on the Y-axis are 0-4 on covid, and 0-1 on flu. Page 52 of the report I linked above. This is ICU/HDU admissions, not hospital admissions. Anyone at this stage is - almost by definition - critically ill and whether it is Covid causing it, it certainly isn't helping.
I work in hospitality and I had to get more staff in on the 23rd when they decided to close us it was that busy.
The world I live in is ******. No one gives a ****. Starmer is a waste of time too. Forget it. Forget music, culture, events, charity events. Brave New Fascist World.
Yeah, after the "please don't go to the pub but I'm not shutting pubs" part of the strategy that failed miserably.
So it could be that not all these people are critically ill with Covid and rather have tested positive. It had become clear that Covid is causing a huge surge in pressure on the NHS and we may have had no other option at this point but to Lockdown. I just also wouldn't read too much into that one graph and reach conclusions off it. We will know shortly enough I suppose because if the age bracket you suggests are becoming more at risk then it will be huge news.
Do we know how many people over the past months have died per day of everything? Because they say on average 1500 people a day die. So now that we are announcing 1000+ covid deaths a day are we announcing 2500 deaths a day? If not we can have an idea how many people dying are getting put down as dying of covid when it could be with covid but more likely something else.
The day of the first Lockdown was busy then we were shut till August struggled and now again since November.
ONS reporting is the most accurate for that but there is a lag. What we know about last year was that there were 86k excess deaths
Obviously hugely impacted by the spike in April and a clear indication of the damage Covid has brought. The proble with using excess deaths going forward is that we could possibly this year start having deaths as a result of restrictions, particularly undiagnosed Cancers but many others too.
You'll need to look at the age demographics. From spring onwards, for the next year or so, the number of deaths of people aged 70+ will be markedly lower than during any other comparable period from the last 100 years (other than those periods in the 50s and 60s following Chinese and Hong Kong Flu) . Statistically extremely significant. From March 2020 to March 2022 the number of deaths in this age bracket will be consistent with any other two years they're compared against. However, the number of excess deaths in younger people from March 2020 will be significantly higher than anything we've seen before. This will be the result of the measures we've adopted to tackle Covid. This will be the legacy of what we did. They'll start judging it on the number of life years lost. And it's a catastrophe.
If it’s madness to have a 3 day lockdown to prevent a long lockdown later on, sign me up for madness I guess.
Sone sober reading for those worried about the impact of Lockdowns (myself included). Even with some measures taken we are on real crisis.