he was wary for about 30 seconds then couldn’t get him in, went for a long walk and chucked loads of snowballs for him to look for, me knackered, him ready to go again!
not sure what is the best, your Riley or that carpet fitting on the bend in the stairs ,Riley just wins he is super cute, does not look 11
Yes - here he is in his younger years after a campaign in the Dalmations. Heavily decorated he was. Never stops growling about it.
It was beautiful! I've posted a few other pics in the snow day thread too but I wish I'd got more. I tried to do some panaromas but messed up somehow. It was 137 acres of thick snow across fields and woods. I just kept stopping and looking around in wonder, I hate snow but I was like a little kid today.
No roast chicken is safe with Jill on the prowl. She’s also hard on buttered toast and as you’ve seen a demon with sandwiches.
Billy, a 10 year old retired kelpie (Australian sheepdog). He "fell off the back of a ute" when the farmer decided he couldn't afford to keep him. He was found straying. The farmer obviously forgot he was microchipped so he was traced back to him but then surrendered to the pound. He has zero interest in toys, balls, other dogs or the sea. Loves whatever I am eating.