I don't agree with his views on American politics (neither would my relatives and Laura's friends who live over there). However, the only problem I have with Ben is that he has a voice like Joe Pasquale on Helium and he can't be blamed for that!
You daft Apeth. Ben’s a lovely lad. Has a tendency to presumption keyboard warrior-ness, true. But that’s his world, an internet boy. We’ve all been guilty of that? Shirley?
I must have missed that thread. I do have a few on ignore so maybe it's that. Reading between the lines, it's something that I don't understand nowadays. No-one seems to able to stand anyone having a different opinion to them anymore. Every issue is "pick your side". One of my best friends is a paid up member of the Tory's. We disagree on politics but pretty much agree on everything else. I don't fall out with him about it. We just both accept that we'll never agree so don't waste each others time with it. I have another "Facebook friend" who thinks Trump "tells it like it is" - same story, I don't fall out with him or decide he's a scumbag who's opinion on everything is automatically voided. I think the stuff SuperTyke posts about the virus is absolutely nonsense and reading his posts has wound me up occasionally. That said, if I was sat in boozer talking Barnsley with him we'd probably get on. On other issues we're so far apart the conversation isn't worth it. Sometimes we won't agree, it happens. It doesn't mean we're all automatically mortal enemies as a result. It's definately a 'social media generation' thing as I used to listen to old boys in the pub argue like cat and dog about all sorts, laugh like hell and then go get the next round in. We seem, at societal level, to have lost the ability to disagree without sulking.