Youll find out how 'serious' they are about enforcing the guidelines if they still let people in wearing those silly welders masks.
Can't see it making much difference myself. Hardly any masks being worn in supermarkets until late July when it became mandatory. Infections now far higher than between May & Sept. Don't think a minority of non mask wearers will change that.
She should not have to 'explain', in the same way Blue badge holders do not have to specify the reason they have one. A non specific exemption certificate is all that would be needed. I think the issue here is not really about people who genuinely cannot wear a mask for either physical or psychological reasons (although the former suggests they should not be exposing themselves to the risks by not self isolating anyway). The debate centres around the need to provide evidence of exemption and IMO it is a pretty weak argument that it is 'human rights' or 'could cause embarrassment' when asked to do so. We are in the middle of a Global Pandemic where people are dying so 'hurt feelings' or 'risk of embarrassment' should be the least of our worries. I am sorry but this 'human rights' argument regarding being embarrassed n this instance is nonsense. What about the human rights of others not to be exposed to someone who carries a higher risk of transmitting the virus. If someone is incapable of understanding why they need to wear a mask then they are equally likely not to understand the need to socially distance and therefore create an even greater risk, therefore creating a problem for a business that has a duty of care to customers and staff. Don't get me wrong, I have every sympathy for carers and people like Redstone responsible for the well being of people with psychological issues and the day-to-day problems they have to manage but I fail to see where someone who is on the spectrum and does not respond to social interactions in the same way as the average person, The biggest issue is that by refusing to show evidence quoting the law allow many others o falsely claim indemnity making a mockery of the whole social distancing/mask wearing safeguards. Two steps.. 1 Issue a proper document or better still a card (more difficult to copy that can be discretely shown to relevant persons) 2 Train security staff etc to be aware of this and understand the correct procedures for dealing with it (basically and allow access or whatever without drawing attention to the person with the card) Frankly if a person is incapable of showing a card to someone in a certain situation the they really should not be out and about unaccompanied.
That's because masks weren't added on top of other restrictions. They basically replaced all other restrictions in supermarkets. Prior to mask: extremely limited numbers in store at a time. One way system. Social distancing maintained wherever possible. As soon as masks were introduced: much larger numbers allowed in store. No one way system. Social distancing all but gone. Masks in a clinical setting save lives. Masks when worn by the general public with supermarkets washing their hands of Al responsibility kill people.
If you can't or won't wear a mask in order to keep everyone as safe as possible then either wear a visor or shop online. For me there seems to be too many people using vague medical excuses and not being totally honest about the reasons for not complying.
Technically if you wear a visor without a face covering you are breaking the law. And should be refused entry.
I assume that its the same for all supermarkets but at Asda we can suggest to people who haven't got a mask to wear one but we cant make them or stop them entering if they refuse. Same with people who say they are exempt but have no exemption badge/certificate, we cant challenge them or refuse them entry. My hope is that the rules are tweaked so that entry can be refused if you have no proof of exemption to stop the countless number of people who believe the rules dont count for them
I could live with that if the staff refusing entry were trained to offer people support on how to get proof of exemption because some would need it. Not some heavy handed bouncer who's pub is shut telling them to F off.
Most of the people I see not bothering are people who are more likely looking for trouble than claiming medical exemption.
or not. No offence but I’m happy to take the advice of someone who specialises in respiratory medicine rather than a bloke off the inter web.
If the exemption was something like a bus pass. Bus drivers have enforced those for years with not much problem
Sainsbury's also doing the same and asking me to shop alone rather than with my missis as I usually do
Agree 100% Amend the disability discrimination law to cover the specific situation. Issue 'non specific' exemption plastic cards to persons who qualify and ensure relevant staff responsible are trained in support procedures and carry out a media campaign to help people to understand how /where to apply.
They all are, but still with the caveat "unless they are exempt", but that doesn't make for a sensationalist headline, does it? I'm just saddened that such a valuable tool as the sunflower lanyard is being used by government and businesses (and people using it as a excuse to flout rules) in this way. It will erase its other valuable meanings to so many with hidden disabilities. I also worry that the current climat is emboldening people to potentially "verbally abuse" people with disabilities.
You can but shes wrong. Respiratory medicine and mental health are different things and if she is too blinkered or frankly stupid to see it then I dont care what letters she has after her name