It’s going to be incredibly tough. As a wholesaler we’re geared up to support those that buy from us but it’s going to be a monumental challenge trying to get everyone through the first few months of reopening. Wish we could just crack on now rather that kicking it down the road continually.
It is my aim over the summer should all this ***** end to visit as many dog friendly ale houses inside a 5 mile radius of the town hall.
They've been kept informed throughout via brewers, breweries, licencing, agents and from council meetings etc and 90% of the time the info is usually on the mark. Only time it hasn't is the last minute govt U-turns.
Perhaps some have. Meanwhile I just get my news from Twitter like everybody else! I wouldn't trust any news coming out now about reopening though. If there's one thing this government has been 100% consistent on it's been not giving businesses nearly enough time to make sure they're ordering/preparing the right amount of stock.
whereabouts? likelyhood is I had cos he was off foraging through the bushes for his ball. little ****** was filthy. But he loves it.