Again expert in respiratory diseases commenting on a respiratory disease or bloke who skirts the edges of Covid denial. Difficult choice. My partner is a mental health nurse so may have different views on the mental health side of things but let’s be honest the vast majority non mask wearers aren’t suffering from anything other than a lack of care for others and swallowing too many lies from the university of Facebook and grifters in the media.
I don't care about 'the vast majority' that you are guessing about and assuming about. Your mate is an idiot if she thinks everyone who can't wear a mask isn't safe to walk the streets. Respiratory disease or not she an idiot. I don't care what her job is. Are you also saying that you would tell your wife she's wrong because your mate says she is?
I’m saying that I would take the views of someone who works as respiratory specialist over Covidiots in that if you are suffering from a respiratory disease that precludes you wearing a mask then it is not a great idea to be active in the community during a SARS pandemic. I get that your mate on Facebook might differ but on balance let’s go with her judgement. And No I’m saying if I were to ask my partner her views on whether people suffering mental health issues which would preclude them wearing a mask would be safe to walk round in a respiratory pandemic as someone with relevant experience she could answer the same question but given she wears a mask and goggles 12 hours at a stretch she has little time got again the vast majority of people who flour the rules because the Karen’s on Facebook told them it was part of a plot by Bill Gates and Elvis.
not sure if that's just a poor trolling attempt or your genuine thoughts, pretty unenlightened and crass in the extreme if the latter.
well today my first trip to a supermarket in a couple of weeks. The only people not wearing masks were a couple of lads who were doing it to wind people up. I’d say that’s my general experience though of course that isn’t to say every person is doing the same as there are plenty of people with real issues but I can only speak from personal experience.
laughing pissing around with the fruit and veg getting very close to people and sniggering at each other. The usual.
I can honestly say I've never seen that from anyone during the whole pandemic though I try to limit the amount of times I go to busy supermarkets so probably don't go as often as you (as I only have to shop for me) Interesting article here
Looks like they all got their noses in the trough, making out like they care for the safety of their customers after 9 months of doing very little. Wnakers.
I understand the need for a law to protect against discrimination but it is like me parking in a disables space without a blue badge and telling them I am disabled without having to provide proof. if you need proof in the form of a blues badge to allow you to park a vehicle ina particular space I am damned sure you should have to prove you have a disability preventing you from putting a mask on when not to do so is putting others at risk. As I have said it is a stupid law when it comes into direct conflict with the duty of care that employers have legally show for employees and customers. I fail to see that giving people with medical conditions a card with a photo that does not have to show the actual disability as evidence is 'discriminatory' and nor would be having to discretely show it to relevant people to gain access. The link does not describe what sort of 'service ' the person was denied or the background and Kester Disability Rights is clearly a commercial venture "Kester Disability Rights is a mixture of free and fee-paying services" and using the example as an advert for their services so it is difficult to say that everyone refused access claiming disability would win their case. Just to be clear, IMO, in normal circumstances, the Disability Discrimination Laws are good and necessary. By the same token, in normal circumstances, the Duty of Care laws for employers and service providers are good and necessary. Unfortunately, these are NOT normal times and the two laws are incompatible. A rapid change in legislation requiring some form of medical exemption card (non specific) as proof is really the only way forward. There are any number of situations where people have to provide proof. and in the case where may people suffering no impairment whatsoever are using it as an excuse, it is doing genuine people no favours as we see them being abused, and bullied. if the fakers were caught out. 'no-pass no access', then the genuine people would be less likely to be harassed. I appreciate this solution in a relatively small number of cases would be problematic but the overwhelming number of genuine people (many of whom probably show some form of evidence -possibly containing intrusive personal details) would benefit from not having to stand and explain themselves. People have all sorts of pass cards - season tickets, library cards, access to workplace cards, student college passes. Why make an issue of a medical pass?