Currently the highest in the UK.... Respect to all the hospital staff having to deal with this sad situation.
My Nan and Grandad had their first jab yesterday in Royston so hopefully that rate will come down as more get theirs done.
Bit patronising with that picture of 'traditional houses in Barnsley' though. Sad situation with so many deaths in the area though. Thoughts are with everyone suffering loss at this time. We will get through it if everyone acts sensibly
I took it as “traditional houses, shown in Barnsley”, rather than “traditional Barnsley houses” but maybe I’m giving them too much credit.
I wonder if there is any connection (not seen the age stats for deaths) withe the Covid death rate in Barnsley and the legacy of coal mining given how so many ex-miners ended up with some sort of lung disease due to all the dust? I once got taken down Darfield Main by a friend who was a Pit deputy there and the nearer we got to the seam the more dust you could see in the air. Once we got to the coal face the seam of which was only about 4 foot high, and were reliant solely on the helmet lamps you could see the dust in the beams. Back on the surface and for the rest of the day every time I blew my nose it was like a fall of soot - that on a day when there was only maintenance work going on and no actual mining taking place. Anyone who has never been down a pit let alone worked on that environment can never understand the conditions miners experienced day in day out. Just getting to and from the seam on the man riders was an experience. Respect! is all I can say. The National Mining Museum experience barely scratches the surface (excuse the pun)
The file on the examiner website has been renamed "0_Barnsley-generic-picture" however the original photographer described it as this "A woman walks past the "England's Terrace" row of traditional houses near the town centre on September 19, 2018 in Barnsley, England"
I’m struggling to get offended by a file name. Generic Barnsley picture makes sense in that context as it just means a photo that can be used on an article about Barnsley.
I know, that was my point. The photograph was described as traditional English houses rather than traditional Barnsley houses
It’s my uncles funeral today one real life behind the statistics and we can’t even have the customary ham sarnie after
On a positive note, our current rate of infection in Barnsley is in the bottom 20 of all towns and cities in the UK (over 300 listed). One of few where the rate is actually falling.
They don't mate! They really don't!! I worked "down there" for over 20 years and even to the locals the Sheep ******** are the Welsh
I was called a sheep shagger by the barmen in a pub near King's Cross on my way back from Southend in 2008.
This is what confused me about the death rate being so high in Barnsley, as I remember reading that Barnsley had one of the lowest cases per 100,000 people currently. Tekky may have found the answer above, though. Very sad either way and I wish everyone up there well. We'll get through this.