Blaming the latest covid epidemic on a small minority of those who do not conform to the rules. No you daft cow. It’s all you and your incompetent colleagues fault who have failed since day one. Hopefully one day this govt will be held totally responsible and punishment accordingly.
Hmm. Matt Hancock caught it. Boris caught it. Cummings caught it. Nadine Dorris caught it. Chris Whitty thinks he caught it and had to isolate. Raab had to self isolate after being too close to a positive person. Ben Wallace thinks he had it and had to isolate. Oh aye it's the general public who can't be trusted...
Yet again we see a Govt Minister come to the fore when an opportunity comes to blame all and sundry but themselves. Shameless b’stards the lot of them. Yes we know there are those who don’t help the cause, but to apportion all the blame on them is just typical of this rotten lousy set.
This Government, through it's incompetence, has caused many thousands of people to lose loved ones - people who should still be alive today. Period. The Government is almost as bad as the frickin virus.
No different to austerity . They blamed the feckless for all the ills that caused austerity when it was anything but . They always need to find a weak group within society be that a few idiots trying to have days out and punish all . Some people think their racists . Make no mistake , doesn't matter the colour of your skin politicians will screw you over .
Beg your pardon. In spite of the origins of the virus I thought our Government was totally incompetent. My mistake
It’s a small minority alright they are called Tory MPs and donors I’m particularly impressed that the rules are so simple she gets them wrong
“I’m still shaking hands” “Show some guts” “He did what any reasonable father would do to protect his child” ‘Eat out to help out” “Time to go back to the office” “Schools are safe” Aye, it’s all our fault.
No different to when in the 30s Hitler and his fascists blamed the Jews. All the warning signs are there.
Austerity: the politics of ******* up and blaming someone else. Brexit: the politics of ******* up and blaming someone else. Covid: the politics of ******* up and blaming someone else. Sovereignty: the politics of ******* up and STILL blaming someone else. Can we blame them yet?
This government has caused additional death through its handling of the virus. It's caused excessive harm to peoples lives through its skewed unthinking "support" for individuals and businesses. It's committed fraud on an epic scale. And cronyism has been the central tenet of governmental covid response. It's messaging has been inconsistent and mixed causing confusion and the number of u-turns have been dizzying. And we've seen constant examples of one rule for one, one for another. But... The virus spreads through people and we've seen plenty of images and examples of people breaking laws and plenty of instances where the spirit of law has been flouted. The government is very much to blame through their dreadful, slow and self serving choices. But some people can make better choices and are playing a part in this situation too. Because the government breach their own rules and laws, it doesn't mean we should too. We have to be better than they are. It's not difficult for most of the time to be 2+ metres apart. It's not difficult to wash your hands and disinfect items. It's not difficult to wait for others to go by at a safe distance. And it's not difficult to wear a mask. Even if the government aren't doing all they can, that doesn't give free license to some of the public to do the same.
Actually I'd say that some of those things are difficult. If you want to go to a supermarket it's pretty much impossible not to have to get close to people and that is because the government allowed supermarkets to maximise profits instead of altering layouts.