Ah thats why we have Michelle Owen doing Quests EFL highlights show . Long may it continue - I dont watch countdown
He's been doing the snooker on Eurosport. I haven't watched countdown in ages but I just switched the telly on and there he was. I'm actually doing as well as the contestants, feeling very clever!
Lucky you - Im working - just glancing on here occasionally whilst waiting for software to load or recompile
I spoke too soon, they're outscoring me now. Dog is being pathetic cos he's had his jabs and won't let me off the sofa!
I had that auction program on with the well tanned David Dickinson. A woman handed in a selection of football programs. Mostly the Sheffield clubs but one or two others. Mostly from the 50s Dealer offered £150 so she went to auction. Amazingly she got £4600. That was the real deal
There must have been a few beauts in and amongst them.......... 50s programs don't usually go for more than a few quid each ......
I've a lot of respect for him. As a Liverpool fan he resigned from Talksport when The Sun got involved and due to the Hillsborough headlines he couldn't continue working for the station.
I believe there were a few Sheffield Wednesday European Cup Final programs in there. Because they are massive.
I can't see them fetching that much considering the tens of millions they'd presumably have needed to get printed.