if they can do that everyday this week that's 1.4 million way on track to get the target by the end of the month of 2 million
No fan of this Government to put it mildly but really hope they get this right and the vaccine is rolled out as quickly as possible
One site as a trial I believe.... I'm more concerned we don't have any mass vaccination hubs in the whole of Yorkshire.
It's been with us since march last year (longer actually but I'll be nice) how the hell are we in the situation where in the middle of January we are now thinking of future mass vaccination hubs, we are only now processing applications from medical professionals to administer vaccinations and we are only now talking of 'ramping up' the roll out (despite the health secretary saying this weekend that he expects the rate to only average 200,000 a day till autumn)? I know why. It's because we have the worst government in living memory headed by a racist who was voted in simply for being a lying racist and staffed by rich men and women who are only in it to make their friends and families richer. The question that I really don't understand the answer to is why everyone seems to think it's acceptable simply because others have done worse.
we have vaccinated more than a lot of other countries france has been heavily criticised for only vaccinating a couple thousand
But so much more could have been done in anticipation of the vaccines becoming available; "oven ready" vaccine centres for want of a better phrase.
I know but I honestly don't care about how other countries have performed. I don't mean that in a nasty way or anything it's just that we don't live under the governance of those countries and I dont think it's fair to really compare countries as it takes attention away from where it should be both with the vaccine and the virus itself. People got so wrapped up in comparing us to other countries that we lose focus on ourselves. I actually think that pretty much the entire world has failed completely throughout all of this. Not so much for the numbers of people dead but long before that for the lack of a worst case scenario plan. We've had many warnings over the years but other than one or two countries it seems nobody had any plans for what to do if a pandemic hit.
The fact that we have vaccinated more than any other country is a pretty terrible indication of how badly the pandemic has been handled in the UK. The reason we have rushed out the vaccinations is because of the horrendous impact of the disease. Compare what’s happening here with just four other countries that have handled things far better. Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. All four of those countries are sitting on their vaccines but not yet rolling out their programmes because, as they have explained to their populations, they have the luxury of watching the ‘experiment’ that is the UK, in order to learn any lessons/impacts of speedy mass vaccination, BEFORE they have to do it themselves. What a luxury that is. And they have it because they have a level of infrastructure and state competency that England can only dream about. Johnson has been ridiculously lucky in that the USA is an English speaking country so if his levels of competence are ever questioned he just points people in the direction of the Mad man in the White House and says ‘could be worse’ and lots of people here seem to think that’s a reasonable comparison and nod their head.
That was probably his thinking when cozying up to Trump "if they see me with this mad man then I'll not look so bad".
so other countries are run by more lying racists? jus a question because you blame it on our government which by the way I am not in anyway defending as I agree that throughout the pandemic we have failed in a lot but I think for the first time during the awful situation we have done a pretty decent job, if we did spend 100s of millions getting vaccine centres and the majority of them we didn't approve the government would have been questioned as to why we spent so much on centres