There are all sorts of issues around ground sharing and I don't know how other clubs who have had to do it short term have managed it. Where do admin people reside? Where does training take place? Where is equipment kept? You could quite easily see a pretty seamless operation that is all on one site becoming an inefficient mess. All for the sake of seeming to do over your business partner because you owe them money and they have the audacity to ask for it to be paid. Not good.
Tbh, even the new stadiums arent very different to the old. You still go up concrete steps, you still sit on a plastic seat , you still queue for the loo and for refreshments, its still freezing cold most of the time We are ideally situated at Oakwell , near the bus and train station, pubs and shops can make money from fans before and after the game and best of all, you know you are sat where hundreds of thousands before you stood or sat to watch their local team, that represented the people of the town you live in.
As other posters have pointed at, would not the upheaval outweigh any small costs savings? How would we accommodate age-group teams from kids upwards, train, have gym and physio facilities for the players, offices for backroom staff, stock for retail and merchandise... all of these things are presumably part of the deal when we rent Oakwell from the holdings company. All of these things cannot be upped from Oakwell to a ground share scenario.
The stumbling block seems to be the money owed and without seeing the terms of the contract none of us can really pass judgement on either side. You can understand why the new ownership would have concerns if a 3rd party they claim not to have known about arose after the agreementvwas signed possibly making it void or misleading? If the new ownership want to make improvements on the stadium then they need to own it outright so moving to Rotherham or anywhere else doesn't help either especially if they are looking at building infrastructure that would benefit the club at Oakwell.
leon is usually a pretty good journalist and not really the type to stir trouble without their being something in it.
Never said anything about stirring trouble. Got a great relationship with him from when we did the Live from Redfearn's Bar session and other Trust queries that we go back and forth on.
So why are they taking decisions that effect a business they don't believe they have been legitimately sold and so haven't paid for surely they just walk away if they really believe a third party as a legitimate claim to the club.
I’m saying we need to reduce costs of running Oakwell. I want to stay at Oakwell, and that a rent reduction would benefit the club. In regards to the rest of your comment - I agree, Let’s say we did move - upheaving the training facilities would be unviable and a nightmare. However, the Offices and club shop are easily located elsewhere and probably far more cost effective to be fair. Trouble is, as ever, non-Matchday revenue is poor at Oakwell.
The figures are in the accounts I believe. And with H&S these days - buildings cost a fortune to maintain properly, especially ones which hold several thousand members of the public.
Of course Rotherham themselves 'ground-shared' for a while. A much respected female colleague I worked for who was a lifelong Millers fan complained there was no atmosphere at the Don Valley Stadium. I had to tell her it didn't seem so bad when U2 played there!
They haven't paid the agreed price for the club yet and haven't even started negotiations for the purchase of the ground. They are being taken to court by the crynes because they haven't paid in full for the club the only reason the grounds become involved in the court case is because it's being used as an excuse for non payment of money owed. They are potentially making a decision to take our Football club away from the town it's named after and they haven't even paid for it in full and for me that should not be allowed to happen. The current form and league position are great but we shouldn't allow it to become a smoke screen for the theft from our town of its Football team.
It might say they own the company the fact still is they haven't paid for it and that fact alone should worry fans enormously whatever our league position is. It should also mean that the EFL refuse to sanction any ground share moves why should they be allowed to uproot a club they haven't paid for.
Not sure about anyone else, but I have a feeling we won’t be ground sharing with anyone, and we will be playing at Oakwell for the distant future.