Im sorry, but not so much his personal life but his life experience IS of relevance. These scientists are answering the exam question of ‘how do you limit the spread’ but the trouble is they’re either not interested or not expert in all of the consequences of lockdown. To me, a man with no apparent interests outside of his narrow field of work, who has never had a serious relationship, completely lacks the lived experience and understanding of the normal man. I studied Chemistry at University, and I met tons of blokes like him (funnily enough one of my supervisors was Sir Dave King, a previous CSO). Super intelligent, but socially inept, incapable of the most basic life skills (I’ll guarantee he can’t cook or iron) and, not to put too fine a point on it, never had a decent shag in his life. Never in a million years should he be anywhere near dictating government policy as he has. Advising as a specialist - yes, absolutely - but no more. I’d have Rusty Lee and Mr Motivator presenting it.
Boris Johnson has shagged around (although he probably has never cooked and definitely doesn't iron) but I'm not sure that's a prerequisite of steering us through a pandemic!
It’s funny, I was thinking about this the other day. I haven’t read the other posts but I do find it odd for all the reasons you state that he is delivering the message. His colleague Jonathan Van Tam (may have spelt his name wrong) is a brilliant communicator and I would have thought trusted by a larger proportion of the population. Very odd that he isn’t the face of the message to stay at home etc. But in answer to your question, if Jonathan can’t make it, Brendan O’Connell.
I think we need look no further than the Shake n Vac woman - even now I still remember the words to the song. She may have had a fine pair of pins too - which always catches and keeps one's attention.
Big Val talking about why I should never leave my flat again: “We have made a bid to him to extend his period in lockdown and we are waiting.” Ismaël added: “He had so far a great lockdown. We checked an offer from a friend to do a socially-distanced dog walk, and we turned it down. “We give everything to keep him at home because he is very important to the reduction of the R number. It could be very important to extend his self-isolation – we have to do everything to keep him at home. “This is a normal situation since Covid. In some situations social life is not all. We have to be aware of this. “It is worth waiting to try to extend his isolation even if this is after the restrictions lift. I have a good chat with him and we are all focused."
What about a bird with her tits out......kills 2 birds with one stone, gets the attention of the male population and will certainly liven the prezzas funny to see old Boris too
Ray Winstone - “Stay ‘ome, Protect the NHS, Save caaaant. And wash your fackin ‘aaands!” They had Pele and Robbie Williams deliver the message for testicular cancer and neither are health professionals, just well known public figures. The point I am making, for those who see this as me attacking Chris Whitty, which I most certainly am not, is that the common theme seems to be that the younger generations are those that view themselves as bombproof and flout the lockdown rules. It needs someone a bit more inspiring or ‘hip’ than Mr Whitty to deliver the message. At the end of the day, he’s just a very well educated, intelligent man who has, by chance, become one of the best known faces on British TV, which, I guess, is not what he wants. That said, you watch him wind up on next years Celebrity Big Brother and shag half of Girls Aloud!!! Anyhow, the front runner, for my idea, so far, is the Shake n Vac woman...topless.
I love listening to van tam this thing is serious but he softens it with a touch of humour.he has charisma no which one I prefer.a Boston supporter as well.
For me the biggest issue regarding whitty and his mates isn't their personalities it's their incompetence. They've quoted figures, 'estimates' and scenarios so many times that have just been shown to be plain wrong that it's now impossible to believe anything they say. If you can't believe something someone says because they are so regularly wrong then how can you actually believe in the rules made off the back of it?
Have to agree, take the present situation, they,re constantly on tv telling us that this current spike is far worse than the first one and that our hospitals are being overrun yet the restrictions are far more relaxed than they were in April, its just a contradiction, its illogical and makes no sense at all and its decisions like this thats making people question their judgement and indeed their figures...