Queen’s had hers: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-...lliam-queen-coronavirus-vaccine-b1788331.html
If people believe the daily vaccination numbers available from the gov website numbers Monday to Saturday vaccinated were Monday 140,000 Tuesday 187,000 Wednesday 249,000 Thursday 279,000 Friday 325,000 Saturday 277,000 Just short of 1.5m in 6 days. Things would appear to be getting better and the weekly run rate is now over 2m a week. If supply is not a constraining factor then, based on the increase in vaccination facilities a target of 4m a week or 580,000 a day may be achievable. Whole population done in 16 weeks. Personally I have no faith/confidence or trust in the government but I do think the NHS, GP’s, nurses and pharmacists will make this happen.
The problem will be that there is a possibility that the vaccination will have little or no effect with other variations of the virus. We have no idea at the minute that the Brazilian variant symptoms will be reduced by the vaccination. Hence the panic to stop flights from South America and the end of air corridors. We need to buy time to research the new strains and possibly amend the vaccination. I wouldn't be planning my summer holidays just yet.
It's immunity from having had COVID-19 which lasts at least 5 months. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55651518
I know it's dropped out of fashion, but I can't help thinking there's a small prìck joke in there somewhere.
If we do get the majority of the population vaccinated, we are going to have to accept that people will still die from Covid.
The post above from Brush above highlights the sad fact that within this BB there are a number of anti- Tory posters who are so bitter they are prepared to disbelieve anything that might show the Govt are doing something right even when presented with evidence from multiple sources. There is no doubt that the vaccine strategy in the UK from supply to distribution and delivery is streets ahead of any EU country and yet some on here cannot wait , as you say, to gleefully criticise. Incidentally, that is NOT all down to the NHS.. Government, NHS, Army, Civil Service are all key to the project success. Moreover there are echoes of the US situation in that some on here eagerly latch on to any news reports that cast the Govt in a bad light whilst then posting that anything positive about the Govt comes from the 'lying, Tory supporting, Right Wing Press'. Bias confirmation - like it or not is endemic on this BB. (before someone rsoponds with Tory Boy defending the Govt as usual, I categorically deny that. They have made made many errors but at least I am not so blinkered I cannot recognise those odd times when they finally do something right. IMO this is one of those times and it is a 'biggie'. As someone who is often personally attacked as being hypocritical, I find it perverse that those same people blame the Govt and regard them as responsible for every failure and yet , like the post above, when things go well, as is the case with this vaccination programme imply the Govt have no right to claim any credit. I fully expect the usual group will come on here to lambast me and one or two will resort to the usual personal attacks but , again I don't care, nor am I angry. I just found it depressing that so many on here have become so politicised, bitter and cynical about everything. Some individuals within the group are also inconsistent (and hypocritical) in that they 'call me out' for only posting on politics (untrue) whilst often starting posts themselves or contributing to threads started by posters who post far more political threads than I do. The difference is they only try to shut down posters who disagree with their own PoV. Unfortunately, the overall cynicism of the particular group comes across, not just in the political threads but the footie ones as well, the owners, the management, Ground sharing.... financial dealings, all rumours that become 'fact' without hard evidence. There are a majority on here with whom it is perfectly possible to have a decent discussion with , even when poles apart on viewpoint. Unfortunately, when the zealots join in you see the level of debate plummet . Many times innocent threads become distorted, deflected and end up in personal slanging matches and any hope of a reasoned debate disappear. Reacting 'in kind' (often brought on by sheer frustration) in response to any kind of abuse or accusation sometimes subtly phrased or innuendo, then results in accusations of hypocrisy. As a footnote I see the recent news that the entire Dutch Govt has resigned over the appalling Child Benefit Fraud situation has been largely ignored by the BBC and media With the exception of the Guardian, which, had it happened under this Govt would have resulted in in a sh*tstorm on here with pages of posts. I may have missed it but have seen nothing. Resignation of an entire Govt is a big deal especially during a Pandemic. I wonder why the BBC news website largely downplayed it?
Awe, God bless the Tories and save them from the nasty little BBSers. I bet this lovely Govt and their darling angelic ministers can’t sleep at night
Good rant. I would just like to say that I am anti Tory because most of my life they have been in power and abused it thoroughly and regularly. The current bunch are without doubt the worst of them all - even Margaret Thatcher looks moderate and compassionate compared to these b@stards. I'm not left-wing, I'm not even Labour, I am actually a Green Party member because none of our political rulers pay more than lip service to the real problems of today. You make an interesting point about the Dutch situation, I've not seen anything about it in any media, but that is entirely down to it not being reported and is clearly not the fault of any BB members on here. And also totally irrelevant. Whilst I have joined in on some of the club ownership threads and offered opinions about what's going on, I have never pushed my opinions as "the truth" and have always treated what others have said as merely rumour or opinion. To compare people on here to the mindless Trumpists in the USA is unhelpful and frankly insulting. I'm trying to think of how you would push your political views into a thread about whether a goal was offside or not or whether Victor is a good prospect for the future or is merely *****, but I can't....
I'm not a fan of the Tory Government as stated last week but can't help feeling that one or two on here would enjoy them buggering up the vaccine rollout just to gloat. Over 70s to start getting jabs this week is great news for me as it means my missis is a step nearer getting the jab as she is of that age. Safe for me to post that as she doesn't read on here Barnsley losing was sad but to a certain extent irrelevant at the moment as all I want in life is for family to stay healthy until we get the vaccine. Read some of the posts on here about BBS users family and friends dying or getting really sick and then think whether you want to gloat if it all goes belly up
Shows how inept this Govt is then, given the level of interest they hold on vast sections of the British press and media
Stephen Powis has an explanation apparently, saying it's more effective to start working down the groups
I don’t think anyone on here would gloat if it goes tits up and am sure nobody wants it to. Just because many would be surprised, even astounded if all went well, doesn’t mean we wish poor health or anything else. That’s a horrible thing to say
Now you’re generalising that anti-Tory posters as you call us/them also are the very same posters who lambast the The Football club. Politics will turn Nasty when the Govt of the day consistently get things wrong, blames all and sundry but themselves, and fails to take responsibility.
Starmer just been on TV now. He must have been reading my previous post because he is actually starting to promote the message that thus vaccine rollout needs to not be political, and everyone just work together. Then actually mentioned some of his own ideas rather than just criticising the Tories. Something which has been a bee in my bonnet for some time with Labour. Not enough self promotion. That's what we need to hear.. Alternative views... I'll give him student of the week award, haha. He's slowly learning, I'll mold him sooner or later.
Sorry, I wasn't saying that anyone wishes anyone poor health just that some people would have a field day if it all went belly up. Most people accept the Government has made a right muck up of this but finally something seems to be going well and I for one am grateful for that no matter who is responsible