Well that's what i was thinking to be honest but wanted to read where he had read it specifically to see what the tone of the article was. I can't work out if he is trying to spread fear or is genuinely consumed by it himself.
The theory is that the clotting caused by Covid is damaging other organs. A significant number of patients are also developing diabetes - both Type 1 and Type 2 - after recovery. Its not peer-reviewed yet, but in the Under-70s the rates of developing multiple problems increase significantly compared to those that didn't have Covid. These could have been undiagnosed, or as the author suspects, be Covid-caused. These aren't just 90-year olds who time would have been up anyway, but people that would normally expect another 10+ years of life (even the average 90-year old could reasonably expect to life for years though). From these figures, the average man is ~8 times more likely to die and ~3-4 times more likely to be readmitted within six months of leaving the hospital after recovering from Covid than if they didn't have Covid. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/...ht-recovered-Covid-patients-DIE-140-days.html
Again though the people who get admitted with Covid tend to be people who have other health issues. So its hardly surprising a nasty virus would make them more susceptible to other conditions. That's how life is for most people. Yes it's awful and is another reason why the vaccine is targeting these groups first.
The average 90 year old will have exceeded the average life expectancy of the UK by about 9 years so you cant really use any suggestion that they could reasonably expect to live an additional X years.
I like a lot of your posts, but I think you have "shown your arse" with this one. You do realise we have the worst mortality rate in the world according to most reporters? If that is political, then I'm Marciano Bruna.
No chance. I'm 69 and have been told I won't get the 1st dose until April at the earliest. Never trust a Tory.
Will we get data for how many people die within 28 days of receiving the vaccine? Given the nature of the group we have vaccinated I hope not as it would scare the hell out of some people.
If you want a real nerdy answer Watch this https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&s...BMAZ6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw3s-TPmYRtadpwl2wrOP6BU Agile delivery, you work through all groups quicker if you dont stop and wait for all group 1 to be done... In this video replace each person with an age group for the priorities of the vaccine. This gives you the chance of getting to the end quicker. Rather than general project management methods of waterfall. Where nobody can start the next phase until everything in the previous phase is completed... If you have no idea what I'm banging on about, then.... I cant be arsed beyond this hahaha
My wife has hers at Acre Mills on Thursday. I'm 3 months older but she gets it as she is a carer. I wouldn't get too excited about what the Tories claim after their total incompetence in dealing with Covid. See the letters page of the Chronicle. 7 deaths in Taiwan the last one in May.
You are lumping the entire BBS as one. Who has called you hypocritical and also implied the government can't take credit for a success?
I thought that might get a reaction.... I will say this for her, while she drove a hard bargain with the EU, she didn't take us out or even threaten to take us out and she kept the loonies that now run the show in their rightful place. Nigel Farage would have been mincemeat....
You can’t reasonably expect them to die either. My dad was 86 when COVID took him in November, we weren’t expecting him to die anytime soon
Hope it goes well for her. I don't see why you wouldn't get one second half of February or start of March at the latest with them hoping to reach all over 50s and vulnerable people by Easter.
Are you sure mate? Have a look at this site. I'm 65 in march and it says I should get my first dose in the second half of February. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/vaccine-queue-uk
I think you’re understating that we are increasingly seeing news reports/bulletins of younger, no prior health issues people being admitted to hospital with COVID and some not coming back out.
Both me and the wife are a couple of years younger, could you ask your source when we can expect our jab. The vaccination programme seems to be working too good for some people.
Last article I read on the subject was this: In intensive care, the average age of Covid patients in the second wave is 60.2 compared with 58.8 in the first wave. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55586994 Now things can change quickly have we seen a change from this?
Well it’s the weekend news bulletins I’ve been watching, and 1 doctor mentioned how young a lot of his patients are this time compared to earlier in the pandemic. You’ve not mentioned any prior health issues in your comparison