I was born down Spark Lane and my dad was born in what they used to call "Monkey Park" just off Wentworth Rd near an old pub called the Cricketers. I think thats where Rimmo came from. I bet my dad knew yours. Hope your dad pulls through.
Best wishes mate. When I was growing up in Ardsley, my Dad was friends with someone called Hepworth. I remember meeting the family. I've no idea if it is your family, or not.
Thank you for all the kind messages. Thankfully my parents are made of strong stuff. Not heard anything today. This forum has some great people on it. I've only met about 3 of them. Really appreciate the support. My Dad's health has declined & the last thing we want is for him to go into a nursing home. We really need a recovery & some help via the NHS, or for the unspeakable to happen. Much love to you all.
Good news mate. Get the chicken soup and Daydream Believers DVD ready for his return. Best wishes to you all.
Best wishes to you and your dad. Hopefully he'll be fit enough to watch us play Chelsea. All the best.
Hope your Dad pulls through mate and I hope you can find the strength to keep yourself in a good place as I know you have had problems in the past. Keep your chin up and spirits high! Good luck JP and Mr. Hepworth