Let's hope you fair better against them than we did in the league cup this season. There's potential for them to play a weakened team, and the nerves are already there with Frank being under pressure. No better time to face them in all honesty. From our last few encounters, I can honestly say, you're a horrible team for them to come up against when the pressure is already on. Score first and I think you've a great chance.
Going to watch our ex reds later. Frank gets so morngy when he loses but if you can't manage it we'll have to next round!
We have owed Fat Frank for 24 years since he ruined our first ever Premier League game and still not got pay back.
More ex reds on bench than starting. I don't get why Collins not starting, unless he's been injured l
1-0 Chelsea. Hopefully they get 8 to kill Luton’s confidence for the rest of the season and we’re no longer there biggest win of the season... Plus Luton are one of them sides that annoy me.
Can't see how that was allowed to stand. It might not be anywhere near, but you can't have two players playing two different balls and then pick which one's in play when a team looks like scoring.
Not great goalkeeping from Sluga. I've noticed with him that when he's good, he's incredible, and when he's having an off day, he's the worst keeper you've ever seen.