Wow, that's seriously impressive. My dad got back to the 18th century with ours, but it becomes extremely complicated when there were so many children in each family at that time, and many of the names are repeated again and again.
Mum's side of the family are from Thurnscoe going back several generations I believe but my dad moved down to Thurnscoe from Sunderland in 1936. Longer term, I guess my ancestors are from the Scottish borders. In 2019 we had a holiday in Arran and stopped off at Glinockie Tower (near Gretna), the ancestral home of the Armstrong clan.
It wouldn't do any harm to double check it, I know a few people who've had them professionally done and they're not always correct.
My Dad’s Dad was from Bolton & settled in Barnsley after getting back from France, worked the pits & married a Hoyland lass. Mam was 3/4th generation London Irish whose family had originally escaped the ‘famine’.. As their adopted kid, I’m not really interested in much beyond that. Though biologically, I think I’m the distant product of a romantic liaison between a Stark & a Targaryen..
I hate to admit it but I'm pretty certain I'm distantly related to that **** Ronnie Pickering from Hull. I've done a number of trees for friends and found one being related to the hangman Albert Pierrepoint, one to Sheffield murderer Charlie Peace. The most unfortunate one was for someone wanting to know about their Grandfathers WW1 service....the family story was that he'd been at Gallipoli, his ship was torpedoed on the way back and he'd spent time in a Turkish POW camp before escaping and finally getting home in 1920. The family didnt know where his medals had gone. The truth was he was a deserter and petty criminal who spent most of that time in prison. I agonized for a long time on whether to tell him the the end I just said info was too sketchy to draw any conclusions.
It wasn't professionally done, it was family members. Probably will be sone mistakes but verifying stuff before proper records is always a bit of guess work and "best fit".
Best fit and assumption are very dangerous genealogy wise...I've been down that route myself at times.
My surname suggests I could be related to major distillers of Whisky and Vodka or Producers of tinned meat and vegetables or even a distant relation of a General from the American Civil War who went on to become president of the USA. I live in hope
Excactly. My mother always said I was 'pure Iberian Celt'. Turns out she was right. I feel even better about my Irish passport now!!