Hancock saying his morning he is still worried about variants that haven't been discovered yet. I think the man has become paralysed by fear. Also says he doesn't want to risk the progress we have made. What bloody progress is that?
Again, I have no ailments and have never spent a night in hospital since the night I was born nearly 60 yrs ago. I’m likely to just drop dead of a heart attack in my 70s. if you live a long and healthy life you’ll likely need 10 yrs of care being incontinent whilst your brain dissolves. I’m not asking you to stay home; the government are. I don’t eat junk food and have a healthy balanced diet, I’ll bet my arteries are in a better state than most people who weigh far less than me. Weight in itself isn’t a measure of health.
And do you think that was my actual feelings on the subject or a way of making a point about a vaccine that has not been subject to the same testing procedures that is usually required to be given a licence?
I'd have thought it possible to have feelings about it without saying as you did. But it's a difficult time for us all.
It’s not in itself. But are there not reports that you are more likely to be Hospitalised with Covid if you are overweight? Therefore if people are serious about reducing the strain on the health system, they should also consider whether they could get healthier. That said, I don’t think it is the Government’s place to impose such measures, but education and help may go a long way. Also, as someone whose waistline is growing during lockdown.... I know it’s not as easy as that. So although not in itself, like washing your hands, keeping your distance, wearing a mask aren’t in themselves a measure of likelihood of catching Covid, they can help to stay Covid free.
I'm not claiming it was subtle, but even with your example, and a few other posts I've made, I'm still way behind in dishing it out compared to receiving it over the last 9 months.
Not one person in my entire family is overweight (except one uncle who has severe special needs), hardly any drinks more than once a blue moon and none has ever smoked. I'm not trying to protect me though, I'm trying to protect the vulnerable. Also, no-one wants you to be imprisoned in your house and your kids still have the right to a basic education, it just looks a little different right now. Are you of a healthy weight and don't drink or smoke?
I weigh less now than I did 12 months ago, considering I’m tied to a desk for >8hrs a day isn’t too bad. As I said I also have a fairly healthy diet but topping it up with alcohol and being tied to a desk is my ‘weakness’.
IMHO the images in the OP are distasteful propaganda. I think they're entirely inappropriate and should be withdrawn. The last thing I want to see is a similar tact used to shame people society has decreed are overweight. Or people who enjoy a beer. Or even people who like a cig. Encourage people to wash their hands. Educate people on the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise. But if you like a mars bar and pie don't feel bad about yourself, it's your life and your body.
This is becoming a strange myth. There are many people who are vociferously arguing for lockdowns with far stricter controls than are currently in force.
Agree - people should respect the freedoms and liberties of individuals. But in my opinion if you’re someone who seeks to remove those liberties and freedoms you should get ready for having your own removed. That’s all.
This whole topic fills me with dispair at the way its been totally mishandled by the government. For sure lockdown slows the transmission down but the reason for that is to buy you time - the first lockdown in March made sense to allow us implement a proper test track and trace system -something we still havent done The government is making up its own vaccine strategy so it can claim to be rolling out the vaccine faster than it is they have continually made descisions too late based on what they think the popular press want to run with - rather than being proactive And have ignored large groups of people and companies forced to close by their lockdown rules if you want an example of why the title in the OP is totally Bovinemanure - in addition to the Barnard castle and other individual ministerial breaches - it seems the employer most likely to mishandle their employees is - HM government - knock me down with the proverbial feather https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...-mass-covid-outbreak-at-top-government-agency
Go on then! show me. because I took the decision to bow out of Covid threads in the summer, and I dip in occasionally to point out the idiocy, but definitely don’t offer solutions. I’ll await you showing the evidence to the contrary.
Again that's not what I said. Of course it's not ok because if we all did it would be a major problem. Hence why it has to be banned for all. What I said was it seems unlikely the small minority breaking the rules are driving the epidemic. Surely a bigger issue is people going to work in warehouses and factories for none essential work. Tradesmen going in and out of houses carrying out none essential work.