Wasn't claiming I had one, just sick of the fear porn and blaming of the general public for a virus. Also a bit sick of hearing if we stick to the rules we will get back to normal sooner. We nearly a year in, I remember saying back in April the whole purpose of the strategy is to delay the spread so make things last longer.
Having read the comments on this post, I'm beginning to sense that the Government Project Fear mask is slipping (pardon the pun). Is this going to be like the moment when Dorothy peaks behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz?
It isnt fear thats driving him. Its knowing that when this **** storm comes to an end he loses the power he currently wields.
Coming from the party whose leader caught it by shaking hands with Covid patients and half the cabinet has had to isolate
Or he knows what’s happening and chooses to use simplistic language rather than the whole complicated truth.
The wife just watching Dancing on ice, can add that and all the other tv shows being filmed to my list of things that don't make sense. Shops and restaurants have to close but all these things can continue. It doesn't make sense to me.
You need to get out more, stop analysing the words of lying politicians for things that aren’t there, in fact if I were you, I’d really try to just get on with my life and ignore all references to Covid as much as possible.
Get out more? Get on with life? Yes I really do need and so do my kids. Unfortunately it's not a option is it. It's hard to forget about Covid when you are sat at home seeing your children suffer.
That was his original point at the start of this thread. The mental health of the UK would be a lot better if people COULD switch off from it for a bit but instead it's everywhere. I put the radio on in my car on my way to work and it's there. I go on twitter and it's there, open Google and it's there, turn the TV on and it's there. There really is no escape from it and it's never anything positive, it's all deliberately over the top (ironic coming from me) and designed to strike fear into you and it's absolutely relentless. Unless you live completely off-grid and don't leave your home there's no way at all of avoiding the constant death toll figures, new infection figures, scary talk of more dangerous variants, being told the NHS is at breaking point, being told you will kill people etc. I do understand the need to keep people informed but the extent to which that's done is so over the top that it's really hard to believe at times. In fact if I was to tell you 2 years ago that in the not too distant future we would have the government advertising on every website possible that leaving your home can kill people and told you that the BBC would carry daily press conferences from the government telling you how many people had died that day you'd think I'd been watching some far fetched Hollywood sci-fi movie. By the way that's not an argument against anything you've just said, I fully agree with you. I'd love to switch off from covid news and just go about my life but even if you stick to all to the rules you just can't ignore the constant stream of propaganda bombarding you at every turn
On the contrary - there were people arrested at a party the other day who were completely unaware there was a pandemic and that they weren't allowed to party. More seriously - there definitely is more than one way of dealing with this, and I genuinely believe that some people are choosing a route that's not the best thing for them.
I can't even escape it at work. Its nice to go to work (whisper it)mix with other people but I have to do wearing a face visor that does absolutely nothing, all day. Daily Covid updates on my work phone, hourly tannoy announcements telling us to social distance (hence my amusement of you telling me of the one in town)
It's the same for me at work except without the tannoy announcement and quite bizarrely having to wear a mask when I'm the only person in the building