I'm not choosing to see my kids cut off from education and support. I am however rather depressed that it's what has happened.
I put Capital on in the car for the first time in ages today and heard the same advert 3 times in a ten minute drive and I ended up turning it over because it was too depressing so I get what you mean. That's the only place I see anything about it though (apart from threads on here). I don't watch TV or listen to the radio generally, my friends on Facebook don't often mention it and neither do the people I follow on Twitter. There's not been any tannoys around here. I only ever know there's even been a press conference after the fact when someone on here mentions it. I leave the house to take Whitney on free runs and to go to work. Work is very obvious that something is going on but kids keep you busy and take your mind off everything so you don't really think about it all that much, even when wearing a mask. Free runs are just like normal. I've always spent most of my free time reading though and there's no Coronavirus in any of my books. I guess if I spent more time consuming other types of media then I'd see it in adverts but I've always been a bit weird.
RE the original post, they're a complete and utter disgrace. Guilt tripping innocent, decent people who have done nothing wrong. The government and NHS are basically accusing everyone of being murderers. Forget I'm a grown man, intelligent enough to make my own risk assessment for myself and those around me. I have zero interest in harming anyone. But do not tell me when I'm 'allowed' go outside. It's all just to cover up their own incompetence and completely woeful response to an entirely manageable situation. Apologists will think I'm going too far with that, but I'm really not. I feel sorry for the millions losing their livelihoods. I feel for the thousands whose cancer has gone undiagnosed or has turned terminal throughout all of this "because COVID". I feel sorry for the thousands who are being driven to despair mentally because the government has got a new political football. And let's not forget the absolute injustice to the thousands of children who's education has almost been ruined. It DID NOT have to be like this. The government are a disgrace. The opposition are a disgrace. Ill never vote for any of them again as long as I live.
psst if you are the only person in the building you could take it off annd no one would know - or do they have cctv watching your every move?
They'd best not wake me up off nights with them or they'll be looking into my tired bloodshot eyes just before i blacken theirs
Whilst you and ST think the answer is to put fat people in concentration camps; I’d like you to consider the fact that NZ has a higher obesity rate than us. So are overweight people dying of Covid because they brought it on themselves, or are they dying of Covid because our government are sh ite? And whilst you’re putting overweight people on a diet or in camps, how are you dealing with the BAME community? They’re also at high risk.
You've misunderstood completely. I've got no desire to compel overweight people to do anything. I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy of those demanding lockdowns and impingements on to the liberties of the rest of the population "to protect them" whilst at the same time doing other things that place their health in danger, put the NHS under strain etc etc. You've probably noticed I'm not in favour of lockdowns. It's therefore only consistent for my libertarian argument to also allow fat lads and heavy drinkers to also have the freedoms to eat as many pies as they like. Let the takeaways rip. But I'm allowed to point out when they're being hypocritical, that's all.
Really? I believe that those decisions are made by government. And that you and other members here are creating the imagined hypocrisy by blaming them for the government’s decision out of pettiness and a lack of critical thinking.
They are catching it from the basturds who are spreading it, you know the party goers mass gatherers, the spreaders