What a wonderful combination. Had severe mental health problems prior to Christmas. (Bordering on depression) Now suffering from covid. (Knocked me for 6) Not posted for about 6 weeks on here. Those are the reasons why.
Sorry to hear of your awful problems, old mate. Hopefully, you're now on the road to recovery. All the best, Jack.
I got my positive test result last Monday. Unfortunately so did both my step daughters. My wife is negative. Eldest has had no symptoms. Youngest has lost her sense of taste. Myself I have had the persistent cough,tight chest,wheezing when breathing,headaches,limb aches pins and needles and lethargy at any slight physical task. Only places it could have been contracted is my place of work (full PPE is mandatory) or on shopping trips (always wear a mask) Still don't feel great despite taking it easy and self isolating. Thanks for the messages of support guys.
Keep strong mate. I've had Covid. It was quite nasty. You feel so bad that you don't give a toss about anything. All you can do is lie there and hope to get through it. You have to keep a strong mind to see it through, but that is easy to say with the benefit of hindsight. When it is you, and it is here and now, then it is a challenge both physically and mentally. I am sure every one on this board wishes you well and speedy recovery. If you need a chat please message me.
All the best JT, just don't venture down my road if you're still diseased Drop me a PM if you ever fancy a chat though, being serious
Next time you feel low please don't stop posting In fact let people know so you can get some support! Its not easy and a lot of people end up in dark places me included through no fault of their own which is compounded by whats going on at the minute so please don't suffer on your own if your struggling. Hope the Covid passes without to much trouble and your family are fit and well as soon as possible.
Take it steady with the Virus, sounds like you have some symptoms affecting the respiratory system. Take lots of rest and rush back to work. Majority of us can empathise with the feelings of depression, the current situation seems to increase them. All the best to you as always and your family.
I'm. physically exhausted just going up and down stairs at home. My self isolation ends on Wednesday and i am meant to be back at work on Thursday.
If same in England you can have up to 21 days off with Covid before you need a doctors note. (That’s the rule here in Wales) so just cos your self isolation period is up doesn’t mean you have to return to work.
I tested positive on Sunday with no symptoms whatsoever. We’ve also got another positive case in our household and if it wasn’t for their symptoms I would’nt have had a test myself. Since I tested positive it has played in my mind over and over that I could’ve gone shopping or somewhere where I came into contact with a vulnerable person and passed the virus without having a clue I was carrying. The asymptotic side of the spread really scares me.