Absolute disgrace. No wonder he was laughing and joking with big mick at the end, this guy has just cost us 2 points.
Should be demoted after that reffing performance. Carthorse Moore allowed to foul and push for every header. Rules 1st goal lut, gifts them a non corner.. Plus I think Moore pushed Sibbick for their 2nd.. Shocking ref.
Not seen the game, but just seen the disallowed goal. Wow. It was either a goal or a pen. Can’t comment on the performance obviously, but shouldn’t be conceding a two goal lead at home. Poor result, need to get back to winning ways (in the league) on Saturday
How blind do you have to be, to give a corner, ignore the foul leading to the first goal. Second goal, clear push in sibbicks back and he let's it go. Abosolute gash. These refs are among some of the worst to referee the game in modern times.
Should put a 'highlight' reel of his poor decisions and send it to EFL. Wont do anything but 90Min of footage will make the point alone.
I've had a mental fit with how this refs performed, my blood is boiling, funny how I've come on here and theres a thread about it, hes cost us the points tonight falling for Cardiff's tactics and blocking the keeper for the second goal.
Do the refs watch their performances back after the game? If they do they ought to be embarrassed. Shocking yet again. How many times now we've had to deal with complete and utter toe rags. When on Earth will the EFL step in. Its like it for a lot of teams, so its happening so frequently. Ridiculous
So many times it happened; a very slight contact with the Cardiff player, who drops to the floor The ref buys it, and blows up for a foul. Happened again and again.
Was thinking exactly the same. The ref didn't have the ****** to do anything about it. If that was a performance in a 9 to 5 job, you'd be pulled in and warned or even sacked.
Ref’s performance was absolutely shocking. Does the FA review the refs because no way he should referee again this weekend. Or any other weekend for that matter.
The foul on collins before the corner they scored for was more of a foul that the goal he disallowed where flint pushed woodrow into there keeper and the ball went in.