Viz tips- Why waste money on expensive egg timers. Simply put an egg on the boil then get in your car and drive away at 60mph. After 3 minutes phone your wife and tell her to turn off the hob.
I just looked at Niggle Magazine's website and wished I hadn't. What a load of unfunny, unimaginative racist *****.
Viz tips- Motorists- If a car breaks down or stalls in front of you simply honk your horn a few times and wave your arms frantically. This should help speed up the recovery process.
Viz tips- Husbands- Cheer yourself up by watching your wedding video in reverse. That way you can see yourself handing back the ring,walking back up the aisle and making a quick getaway in the wedding car.
Viz tips- Convince your friends you can play the trombone by standing behind a screen and farting into a watering can.
Viz tips- Motorists- Avoid expensive garage bills by turning you car radio up to full volume whenever your engine makes a strange noise.
Viz tips- Fitness instructors- Help fat people lose weight by asking them to do sit ups and gluing a scotch egg on both their feet.
Viz tips- Increase you chances of starring in a Richard Curtis film by being Hugh Grant or Colin Firth.
Viz tips- By tapping two pistachio nuts against one another it gives the impression that a small horse is approaching.
Viz tips- Avoid getting caught using your mobile phone at the wheel by placing it inside a large shell. That way the police will just assume that you are just trying to hear the sea.
Viz tips- To avoid that annoying clanking sound you hear when you put a full load in the washing machine remove all zips and buttons then when the washing is clean and dry then simply sew back on.