I'm a bit puzzled. The news is full of how the NHS is on the verge of being overwhelmed. Yet we have spent millions on these facilities with over 5,000 critical care beds. Whenever I watch the Clown's announcement and the tame journalist questions I'm willing--ANYONE to question why these are not in operation? Why is absolutely nobody mentioning them? Where is the questioning and bringing to account? Surely Nigel Havers (sorry Kier Starmer) might just refer to the biggest screw up of this shower from time to time? The Tories must have bought every journalist as apart from Piers Morgan NOBODY is asking the proper questions Makes my blood boil and we may as well be in a media repressed society Oh...hang on... Blood pressure a bit high..off for a cup of tea
They built them as a massive propaganda tool, then realised we needed to have people working in them as well other wise they were just expensive Hospital Show Houses. So they dismantled them.
Are they actually dismantled now? They only built them because there was that video showing the Chinese building a hospital in a week or summat.
The right wing press are a disgrace by not outing the lump of lard and his cohorts For years they reduced nursing and doctor numbers and now when we need them they are not there. But there is no one out there willing to point the finger and apportion the blame where it belongs. Where are you Sir Kier Starmer Missing as usual
I originally thought the NHS hospitals would be the first hospitals we could be building after brexit because we don't have to pay into EU anymore so we can afford a new hospital a week....
can not read the name of these hospitals too often,as my mind switching it to a one night stand with a soap star ,I blame the electric shock treatment
They’re using the 5000 bed one for that. Not using the beds like, just the building. An NHS museum where you can get jabbed up.
I don't think Lordtyke was looking for answers as to why we're not using them, rather asking why the media and opposition political parties aren't holding the government to task about the whole fiasco. And for nightingale hospitals you could substitute any number of policies and strategies over the last year. There is no challenge to how the country is being run, no debate, no scientific analysis of "THE" science. We basically have a state media and a mute opposition party and no one is airing the concerns of the public, or the concerns of experts in many fields who do not believe we're handling this whole issue the right way. And I don't just mean no one is voicing my concerns (they're not) but no one is voicing the concerns of those I fundamentally disagree with, whose opinion and solution is diametrically opposed to my own, but nevertheless make valid points that should be discussed and should be put to policy makers.
They couldn't get them. I read somewhere they only signed up about 50% of applications. Apparently the admin on sign up was so complex ( proof of qualifications, career history etc ) and time consuming it was impossible for many to even get through the application stage. i guess the Torys worked so hard to get em out they weren’t going to make it easy to get em back in.
No staff. Nice big empty facility that is intended to reflect well on the government with nobody to run it.