El Haimour signed by Simon Davey at the same time as Hugo Colace in the summer of 2008 iirc. Only played about 20 games, some may have been under Mark Robins in 2009/10
El Haimour wasn't a bad player. His religion didn't help his football. Had strength problems. Didn't we pay a seven figure sum for him?
Yes Paul hart was up there with producing some of the worst football I've watched at oakwell. Don't know how he kept getting jobs after us.
I'm usually quite open to the opinions of others, but on this one you're clearly wrong. Complete bovine faeces as Kennedy was, he didn't even get close to Gibbs, whose incompetence on the football field is still quite difficult to explain to those who never saw him play. Every club has its crap players, and when taking to friends who support different teams, it's common to exchange stories about the most terrible footballers who've ever pulled on your club's shirt. If I were to tell somebody about Tom Kennedy's crapness, I'd be confident that I'd be able to explain it reasonably succinctly, using regular English words and comparisons with other terrible players to illustrate my point. But Gibbs? I really wouldn't know where to start, as I seriously doubt any second tier side has ever fielded a player so clearly out of his depth, not just at that level, but in professional football full stop.
thats quite a detailed and well written paragraph for someone who has clearly lost his mind! Tom Kennedy had literally won a raffle. Incompetent to the point of embarrassment his footballing skills could be compared to my nans... whose unfortunately been dead 20 years. Now I’m not saying Paul Gibbs was any good of course, my nan would also get in the team before the Helen chamberlain bothering torquay lothario but Tom fücking Kennedy took it to a whole new level.
Hang on, was it Paul Gibbs who managed to bag Helen Chamberlain? I assumed it was Tom Kennedy! Jesus, Paul Gibbs was not only an awful footballer, he was also so ugly that I could hardly bear to look at him!
Until we inexplicably employed Morais, Steve Parkin was, imho, the worst Barnsley manager in my lifetime. Ironically, considering the source material for all these posts, the best example I can give of his ineptitude is that he dropped the cultured, talented and now sadly departed Chris Barker in favour of Paul fk*cing Gibbs.
Can we just be clear here, Helen Chamberlain had a face like a carpet fitters knee. Just because she talked about football and had blonde hair makes everyone get a hard on. She went out with James Wade, the ugly ****** who played darts in the local, when the rest of us were taking E’s and fingering loads of birds we’d just met.
Even worse than Spackman? I know it’s like asking “which was your favourite ever kick in the ********?” But Spackman turned a championship team into relegation fodder within a month. Parkin was just a lower league journeyman with a reputation of being a knob, who was totally out of his depth.
What illustrates the absolute shambles that was Paul Gibbs is that Mike Flynn hardly gets a mention. Gibbs was so bad that he managed to deflect attention away from Mike Flynn. Make no mistake Mike Flynn was poor, Tom Kennedy poor, a cart horse of a centre half who was coming to the end of his career but Gibbs made him look like Socrates. I’ve only been watching the reds 45 years, so a comparative new comer, but Paul Gibbs is in a class of his own.
I was thinking when reading the 'long ball team' thread the other day about when we've ever played long ball. We've nearly always played good passing football in the many years I've been going to Oakwell but Parkin's Barnsley was the one era where we were horrible on the eye. In fact, it wasn't even pure, strategic long ball. It was clueless non football. Plan A: Hoist it anywhere that's nearer their goal than ours. Plan B: Give it to Donovan and wait until he dribbles it out for a throw or attempts to cross and spaffs it in to the stand. Unfortunately it got little better under Hodges.
We went from touching the Premier League under Bassett, to a bottom half of League 1 in just over 2 years under Spackman and Parkin. Whilst it could be said that financial troubles were there following the Playoff final defeat to Ipswich, the football when Bassett left was truly truly awful. Spackman's football teams were inept and truly woeful and without doubt the worst football I've seen in over 40 years.
As everyone has illustrated in this thread there is no doubt that we have had some shocking managers and players in this last twenty years. I was at the old Wembley for the Ipswich match and really thought we were on the cusp of having another go at the Premier League. Maybe we would have done better the second time but we somehow contrived to mess it up - usual story with missed penalties, poor defending, not finishing great chances. But then came a slide of seismic proportions, only excused by the fact that we never dropped to the Fourth Division. Amongst the dross though have been some good times - great times in fact. All this just boils down to the fact that this is how it will always be watching Barnsley. You have to take the good with the bad and the downright ugly. We're not Manchester City or the like so it's ups and downs for us. It will be like this for ever.