Warehousing - it's the future. Shopping on-line means shops aren't required but warehousing for distribution is. And there's a shortage, so it's a growth industry. Barnsley's future is governed by geography (i.e adjacent to the M1) not geology like it was in the past.
Exactly...inappropriate development, if it does fail the tests it should be refused, and providing the Cttee have identified valid reasons the chances are that an appeal will fail. Big companies use the threat of appeal with costs awarded to frighten councils into passing things they could refuse.
But I presume this is a strategic site allocation in the Local Plan? And seems to be part of an approved masterplan.
The local plan does carry a lot of weight in a planning decision, but if the Cttee were to determine that a site was to unnecessarily impact the lives of local residents...ie Smell, noise, dangerous or heavy traffic, or the buildings too obtrusive or not in keeping with the area the Cttee could reject it.
I don’t now and never have lived in the Barnsley borough, only ever Donny aside from a short stint at uni and an even shorter one living at my Mrs’ parents house in Scunny. But I think the strong exceptions to this are a little short sighted. As someone who was recently made unemployed, I know exactly how many jobs there aren’t in South Yorkshire. For every job in Sheffield, I saw five in Leeds, ten in and around Manchester, but barely anything other than call centres and warehouses in Donny, Rotherham, Wath and Manvers. Didn’t really see much in Barnsley at all. The area needs employers no matter what the work. A big parcel warehouse isn’t going to be pretty. I don’t suppose a massive pit shaft and wheel was that attractive a proposition a hundred years or so ago either. Jobs in a big parcel warehouse aren’t going to be too attractive. Neither was going down the pit. The green belt land argument holds some weight but Barnsley has, pound for pound, a hell of a lot more unused green space than other comparable and competing towns, it probably does need to use some of it to keep afloat. It’s big asset is being at the side of the M1. You have to say attracting business into the borough has to be done - there will always be subsidiary costs. Get the titty lip on and vote green, or ‘anyone but Labour’ as a lot seem to spout - what do you think it will serve to achieve? Diluting and spreading the left leaning vote will mean the right wingers out Penistone way and elsewhere will get more councillors in. All of a sudden you have a hung council, maybe a Tory one. Be careful what you wish for. It wasn’t so long ago Donny had a hung council and an ‘English democrat’ elected mayor. He’s the father of a Tory MP and spouted absolute rubbish - in fact local radio went through his manifesto with him the day after he was elected and pointed out several of his pledges were actually illegal and impossible. He then went on to say he wasn’t taken in by global warming and that talk about climate change was a scam. This after praising the Taliban and being criticised by an independent commission for basically being crap. We have a far right central government, we now have no crutch to lean on with EU investment into our areas (something which both the boroughs of Barnsley and Doncaster have benefitted from to a great extent over the last two decades, Rotherham too). I would be more inclined to criticise inaction from the council than taking steps to bring money, work and big business. There’s something very ‘not in my backyard’ about the exceptions being stated.
True, and I don't know the details of this case but if the site is allocated for this purpose committee itself would have been on difficult ground, particularly if it was recommended for approval by officers. In terms of local plan allocation its also difficult to blame the council. They have to ensure there is sufficient land allocated for specific uses across the Borough, which are largely prescribed by national guidance and formulas. The problem is most people don't want new development near them.
The Cttee wouldn't be in any difficulty at all in rejecting it whether officers recommended it or not.... assuming of course that it was for any of the reasons I outlined before. Land allocations, Local plans and national formulae have no bearing on the Cttee decision if they decide it fails other criteria.
That's the issue right there. Everybody wants a job, everybody wants houses for their kids, but it all has to be built out of sight, on someone else's patch. Barnsley needs investment. It needs jobs. It needs houses. Plus, the council needs more business rates - the system changed a few years ago and there is no longer a national pot for business rates. Each council now collects and keeps their own. All well and good if you have a healthy economy or an airport in your borough, but for towns like ours it's cost us. We need as many new companies as we can get.
The problem there is it's not in my backyard but I can empathise with those who's backyard it is in. Hoyland common is seeing far more than it's fair share of development and is at serious risk of becoming completely enveloped by warehouses
When I was young. Coming from Jump. We used to visit my aunties in Hoyland, weekly. I wouldn't let go of her hand, She was my protector. It only stopped when I moved away, 21yrs old. . Neanderthals. Love em really. As an organiser/member of Hoyland reds. Many good friends. There. I've said it. Glad I'm incognito. I Wouldn't tell em to their faces. It Would spoil the banter.
Not to sure mate. Goes back decades early 1900’s I believe. I assume it’s like any rivalry. Of adjacent villages/towns. Elsecar aligned with Hoyland. Which they needed to do. Cos Jumpers were tougher. . Sad to say. 2 deaths were an outcome. Neither with that intention. Many yrs apart. School wise. Hoyland. Encompassed Elsecar and surrounding area to the north and west. Jump folk went to wombwell. It was mainly school age rivalry. But did continue into late teens. Even though lots worked together at Elsecar main for example. (As in my case) The banter in later yrs still goes on mainly with affection for one another. My Dad was born an Hoylander. But was always proud of being from Jump after he married my mam. ( a jumper) and moved there. His Jump mates wouldn’t let him off though. And would remind him. To his dismay. “ Tha norra Jumper” Secretly they’d tell me differently as he was highly treasured/liked in the village.
So it was you who lit the fires in the fields near the railway line to stop us Welland Crescent aka concrete canyon mob getting to you
Concrete canyon. Blast from the past Forgot they called it that. Thankfully the stones and bricks. Wouldn’t reach either of us. Or A&E would would have been overrun. lol. We got chased by you buggers more than once. You did outnumber us 3/1 obviously Youth club ( church st Elsecar) and cats whiskers. Lol. great days to look back on. But a bit scary at the time. Funny incident ( looking back) on the forge after 2 individuals offered each other out outside cats whiskers ( Birdcage) . Your lad was getting a reight pasting. The scene turned nervy. One of our silly buggers said . “Hold yer ground lads.” Lol. Me. ( lover not a fighter) praying as we were outnumbered again. When thankfully 3/4 panda cars came on the scene and scattered everyone. Happy days Take care Egham. it’s allus a pleasure in the main to recall such fond memories. Although sadly one of our lads got killed in late 60’s. I’m pretty sure those who went down for it. Wouldn’t have wished the outcome of the prank they played. Doubt they/they’ll ever get over it. So sad.
Literally thousands? Have you ever seen an up to date distribution centre? It’s all robots.... we’re just going to have a few hundred, but loads more of issues due to the mass of vans/trucks visiting via junction 36... the loss of habitat and increased issues far outweigh the few hundred. Lots of brown belt about, but use green belt. They do what they want.
A lot of the land belonged to the Wentworth Fitzwilliam estate. Though Hoyland council are guilty of a lot of things, not so much on this occasion..