What's the story here, I seem to have missed something and now my Twitter feed is full of arguments about wearing 2 masks. Is it a American thing or are people here doing it too?
Mrs does it most people from her work (nursing) have done it throughout. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/28/health/double-masks-covid-19-wellness-trnd/index.html
Mask wearing has some type of quasi religious devotion in some parts of the states. This is just taking it up a step. Theres no actual medical proof behind it from what I can gather, just Fauci said it would be common sense and one small unlikely to be peer reviewed paper suggesting two **** masks equates to one not so **** mask.
Thank goodness it wasn"t , I cannot stand the programme but the wife loves it , time for headphones on & a bit of Pink Floyd , that gets me through it !
I think it’s basically the lockdown loons admitting that cloth masks don’t work, like we’ve been telling them for ten months.
I sit through going...what a stupid program, how ridiculous is this?..that sounds like Macy Gray....who the hell came up with this idea...that’s so obviously so n so
It's really annoying, I guessed Glenn Hoddle right at the start, and then convinced myself it was Peter Shilton. It gets in your head, makes you doubt yourself.
That's what I honestly thought it was going to be about at first but I had just been reading DIY tips before I saw this thread.
It’s sad but I’ve guessed Glen Hoodle and the 2 from Saturday , didn’t want to say in case some folk haven’t seen it yet...I’ve a feeling the robin is Aston Merrigold
There is still a proportion who struggle to wear one mask properly - I'd hate to think what they'd look like with two on!
Thought this was going to be some innuendo or referring to something I'd not heard of before. Imagine my disappointment when it was literally discussing wearing 2 masks.. It's not what I come to expect on this bbs
I confused it with ‘double bagging’. I was advised some years ago, by a certain unimpressed Mount landlord, regarding my latest girlfriend, to get her to wear a bag over her head, and for me to wear one as well, just in case hers slipped off.
I wear two masks when I'm out shopping. Might be an idiot for doing so but two layers of filter just seems more protective in my little world.....