Some snow forcast tonight & early hours, hopefully it won't ammount to much. Turning to rain later in the day.
Just been updated to amber warning, careful folks.
Glad you're back safely, I hate driving in it but I've just looked out the window and it's so pretty, no ones been out in it yet.
Me neither bus didn't turn up no service updates until seven walked back home was starting to resemble abominable snowman.
Just got up for work, white over doesn't look like gritters have been, back to bed, living on a hill has its advantages
They have been out, was out at 10 last night & still out this morning at 03:30. Ploughs/Gritters on M1.
And once again Barnsley council fail to even grit hospital routes. You'd think at least one of them would watch the weather forecast.
Ahh well , at leat you made it Sorry for the false hope, it started over 2 hours earlier than forecast up here too!
This type of reaction isn't just confined to dogs.....once I've finished my tea I'll be out to play too!
I know quite a few who are on standby for gritting, so they must grit somewhere. Looking forward to my snowy walk with the dog later when he can bother to wake up!