Why can't they do what they do in cricket and have umpires call? If they referee and/or assistant make the call and it's as close as a fingertip or toe nail as above then the decision should stand
I think VAR has its uses, but this is absolutely crazy. How do they think he had an advantage because his hand was further forward. Surely Maguire is is in a position to intercept any run as his leg is further forward
Its football not handball. The arm from the shoulder down cannot be legitimately used to play the ball so it shouldn't be counted for offside. Bamfords was the worst. He pointed his finger where he wanted the ball playing and his finger nail wandered offside. Ridiculous rule.
Some poor VAR decisions against Southampton. Not affected the fact they lost but maybe the margin. Not offside and the second sending off was extremely harsh
Where are the lines from? I've done the following below, adding the blue line along the grass cut markings, then copied it to the pink line where it looks as though he's off as his knee is in front of Maguire's foot. It's still extremely close and very harsh, but the lines are misleading imo and I'd like to know where they got the angle from?
Just looked at this again and obviously I missed a foot that’s playing him onside. However, I think he is off still. The yellow line is the ground, I think his knee is probably over that line in a 3D space. It’s very close though
Here's what I was meaning. The Pink vertical line is where he is at based on his foot position. he's actually quite far offside I think? His knee and shoulder both offside. Looks to be a trick of the camera and the lack of line showing the attacker's position that makes it look like he's very far away from offside.
It's ridiculous. They take the line from the players sleeve as per the new rule. So if he's wearing short sleeved then he's onside. I reckon you'll get blokes wearing vests soon.
I understand the point you're making, but that's not how perspective works. The lines on a football pitch formed by cutting/rolling the grass in different directions are, in reality, parallel. But from the viewpoint of the camera at the side of the pitch they converge towards the vanishing point. You can't take a line from one point of the image and move it to another. Well, you can, but it won't help you deduce which object is further to the right like in this image. It will simply confuse the matter.
I'm of the opinion that no one can accurately determine if a player is offside from a 2D image of 3D space taken from the side of the pitch if the camera is not in line. The person who is in the best position to make this judgement is the linesman. That's why we have them. I'm not saying they're always right but they're mobile, can and should be up with play, and are therefore in a position to make the decision. To overrule that decision based on the opinion of someone looking at an image taken from a vantage point that simply doesn't offer them the opportunity to tell if they're offside or not is utterly ridiculous and that's what football has done to itself. In this example I can see the point you're making. You might be right, but we can't be certain or even close to certain. We definitely shouldn't be overruling the decision of someone who could actually see who was or wasn't offside. IMHO football no longer has any credibility. If lbw decisions in cricket were judged from the vantage point of a camera offset 15 yards to the right of the stumps they'd be uproar. The reason the umpire stands directly behind stumps and the camera looks directly down the line of the stumps is that this is the only position from which an lbw decision can be made. Football makes offside decisions from any angle it fancies, overruling the person who was in position to make the decision. It's ludicrous.
Simple solution is an accurate GPS tracking belt worn around the players waist or sewed into the shirt. Simple, accurate, and pretty much instant to tell which sensor was further forward
Agreed, I thought VAR was used for a clear and obvious error. That’s not an error, if the assistant referee flagged then yes that’s a hell of a call, they didn’t so it should have stood. It was the same with the handball one the other night. Nailed on penalty, moved his hand to the ball. VAR no penalty! Bonkers
My big problem with this whole debacle is this. It was close. If the linesman flags offside play stops and no one complains and no goals are disallowed. Its the VAR implementation that’s the problem. To use the cricket analogy above, for marginal decisions they go with the on field decision unless a clear error was made. The umpires call If it was rugby they don’t start getting slide rules out to measure forward passes or offsides. If it’s clear then yes they correct but they don’t go looking in this detail. It’s ruining the game.