Got my refund info email from the club - seems as this is a club guesture and nothing to do with ifollow we need to give bank account details for the club to pay the £10 into the bank account. It also seem as if someone like Beth is going to have to manually make each payment. Shame we cant just roll over a £10 credit to the next saturday away game but no criticism of the club here. I think I am just going to thank the club for making the offer but not actually be claiming back the £10.
It's not asking for your bank details, is It? Be careful. Those Nigerian princes will try anything.
I dont think there is any reason why you cant give the club details of a charity of your choice if you prefer. Though you would be better claiming the £10 then donating it yourself and adding gift aid - as long as you are a tax payer
The charity thing could be done in bulk and it would save someone a hell of a lot of time processing refunds.
This was always a club refund and a club decision. Never had anything to do with iFollow. Hard pass on the refund as I never blamed the club for this in the first place so don't feel so aggrieved. Hate the EFL/Follow though. Charity idea is a good one though providing it didn't create masses of work for our already overworked skeleton team at Oakwell.
Because it was a midweek game that the EFL extortionately decided was actually a weekend game so reserved+ members didn’t get a code. Most people didn’t blame the club (I think only SuperTyke on here did) but the club went out of their way to make it right.
Played Rotherham away on a Tuesday evening. EFL classed it as a Saturday game, so didn't issue codes. Club decide to re-imburse the £10 to Reds Reserve Plus members who now had to pay the £10 to watch the game
That's a good point. However many tenners they don't have to pay back because fans haven't asked for it donate that amount to a club charity. If the tenners were going to a good cause close to the heart of our club I think less would ask for it back and that would save our brilliant club staff from doing so many manual refunds.