I suppose the team achievement that sticks in my mind is the GB ice hockey team getting successive promotions and managing to stay in Pool A of the world championships in 2019 by beating France. Huge achievement which hadn’t been done since 1994 with a team full of Canadians. This time it was mostly home grown player’s, which makes it an even bigger achievement.
Men's 4×100m winning team from the 2004 Olympics. I was in the Courthouse after watching us lose to Hull City. It moved me to tears. I left the Courthouse, missed last train to Wakey and had to sleep in Barnsley Interchange. Put my money in my socks and my wallet down my pants. Was told by my Dad later how stupid I was. Don't put money in your footwear because it's first place they look. Not you daft Barstool what were you playing at you could have been dry loved in your sleep.
If you’ve ever been to ilfracombe in Devon, you can try the jump. I couldn’t get even close to jumping between any of the points... 18.29 metres in total... https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6011144
Disagree, other drivers haven't matched him in same car. He also has a great input into development and setup of car.
Don't care. He was representing GB, and has said he's proud to do so. I'd say he would say quite the opposite, the Scottish thing is just banter
If he wasn't in the best car, or damn near it, he wouldn't win. Sometimes his team mate beats him, fair and square. So he loses in a race between just the two of them.
British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith beating his brother in law Bret Hitman Hart for the intercontinental championship at Summerslam 1992 in front of 90000 at Wembley Stadium.
The problem with Motor racing is its really hard to know how much is driver and how much the technicians behind it. How can you tell for example which is the best of Schumaker or Lewis both won titles in more than 1 team Ferrari was an also ran team until Schumaker arrived and have fallen away since he left ( mind you same can be said of Ross Braun) Lewis was the key driver behind Mercedes getting so successful but would it have worked without Toto Wolf? Were Senna or Prost or going back Stewart or Lauda better or worse than Lewis - you just cant tell I guess thats where Track and Field sports make comparisons easier
David Wilkie. dependent on the ambient water temperature and other swimmers' dynamic aerodynamic qualities. not allowed. Jonathan Edwards. heavily influenced by god and wind pressure. not allowed.
Ellen Mcarthur Circumnavigating the globe in world record time in 2005... Not sure why I remember this so well but at the time I remember thinking what an achievement.
Celtic winning the European Cup with 11 players all born and raised within 2 miles of Parkhead takes some beating.
Valteri Bottas has won 9 races in 3 years with the same equipment. I get that Mercedes have the best cars, but they have the best driver too, which is why Lewis has been so dominant. Honestly, you could put him in one of the 3rd or 4th quickest cars on the grid and he'd still win a world title. In my opinion.
Agree re JC. I'm not a massive fan of ice skating ...particularly Ice dance far too subjective when judging, but every so often some come skaters along like like T&D that raise the bar. I remember John Curry was one that definitely raised the bar significantly All other skaters of his era used to 'telegraph' jumps... you could see them coming as they glided along the ice for a few seconds whilst they 'built up' to the 'big moment'. Some of the landings were very 'touch and go' too. Curry changed all that. There was very little build up and perfect landings where he glided onto the ice upon landing. To this day my wife uses an expression when something goes seamlessly well in any project or task in our day to day life ... "I/we met the ice there" much to the puzzlement of anyone other than close family...err... well me and my daughter actually, that overhears her say that. As a musician who has some experience of composing music and/or editing existing music pieces to specific lengths for dance routines I used to find the 'amateur editing' of the music accompanying skating routines even at World Championship both amusing and frustrating... they stitched fast slow fast sections together in order to comply with the timeframe needed and to fit around the compulsory figures etc they had to complete. Aesthetics went out of the window. Torville and Dean completely revolutionised that. Bolero and then Barnum were complete pieces fully choreographed and structured. IMO they took it to a whole new level but , what I have seen since, albeit very little, it seems to have gone backwards since then