With their backs to the window: Bob Parker, Rimmo, Dick Hewitt, George Hamstead, Roger Barton. Other side John Hobson and Murph. Can’t get the other two
You could say these were the dark days of following the Reds. just looked again. The other two could be Jimmy Humes side on and either Joe Hayes or Martin Ferguson. Anywhere near?
I remember the early '70s but not well enough to help - only 2 of those I could name were Spud and Rimmo Maybe @JLWBigLil with his elephantine memory of BFC can help? Love the high standard haute cuisine with the HP sauce on the table - prawn sandwiches it wasnt
Don’t know, I’ve struggled with those two. Big Lil might come up with the answers if he reads the post.
You’re right. Bob Parker came to us in 65 and stayed four years so that’s about the right season considering the others on show although 67/68 was a promotion season. I think this may have been the season before?
I agree with you. That's definitely the late '60's and I agree with the Prince's naming of the players.
Great photo. Members of the team when I started attending regularly. I think it may be a little bit late for Joe Hayes. Hayes scored a lot of goals for Manchester City and well as a couple of worldys for is against Rochdale in A 5-1 win. Could the 2 on the far left be Earnshaw and Ironside?