Been to a couple Ian, as a guest, one was a top table match other was a cup final at Twickenham and have to say the atmosphere was excellent.
Watched fev on several occasions Ian. Sure you’ll enjoy it. I’m a casual attendee as my bro. Moved there in the early 80s. All his kids and grandkids are or have been at one time or another season ticket holder’s at both fev and tarn. Don’t like union btw.
Nor really it was a a clear trip missed by the ref, and me in real time which stopped an England break. I would have expected the same if it had been England. All I know is Scotland should have been out of sight at half time. England can’t be that bad second half. The fact Scotland are only 2 points in front may come back to bite them later.
Played well so far Ian, probably should be a couple of tries ahead. England can't be any worse 2nd half though.
England been very lucky this half. Regularly do Murrayfield, it's a great weekend. I'm a member of Scottish Rugby, so get tickets every year. Much cheaper than visiting Twickenham and you can park at airport and get bus in City centre. Hotel prices are cheaper. Edinburgh is a great weekend, great bars, good restaurants and brilliant atmosphere. Half time hip flasks out everyone shares (pre covid), doesn't matter if you're sat in an England shirt. Pre match drinks are the best, even better if it's a late kick off. Allows for a full Scottish breakfast, a few bevs, then a big Angus in a giant bap and more bev.
There's hundreds of them. Takes longer to learn the rules of RU than it does to learn "The Knowledge". Its so technical I have no idea what's going on most of the time.
We once did a bucket collection at Castleford v Wigan, in aid of Disability Sports. There we were in all our high-vis, with Wheelchair athletes on the touchline, and announcements over the tannoy. There must have been 40 of us scattered around the ground. Shout comes up from next to me. "Come on Cas, cripple the Lancashire B@stards"
Would love to go to Murrayfield game against England , would expect it to be awesome. Same with Millenium. Have been to S V E for football in home end and that was interesting. Prematch drinks is one thing that surprised me at Twickenham, we parked at pub about mile up up River, both sets of fans in there, walked down together, carried on drinking outside ground. No sign of trouble at all. can remember other year looking and it was surprised how cheap you could fly to France for weekend and game etc.
I think Scotland have won a couple of crafty pens by slipping the bindings on the blind side of the ref.
It is. Been quite a few times but not for a few years. It’s hard to get tickets and they cost an absolute fortune but it’s great when you are there
It's ok Ian, this fekin ref doesn't know them anyway, England are appalling, but they aren't the ONLY team committing fouls, shame the Irish *** can't see it... Up the tigers!!!