Anyone on here able to reset a house alarm? (Barnsley) The system works, the code is not known. It's currently switched off. Will probably need a full reset. The company that installed it is no longer operational.
You’ll probably need to get in touch with the mfr, although convincing them you’re the owner can be a nightmare (recently tried to get my sisters CCTV reset and it was a nightmare)
If you disconnect all power to it (mains and internal battery), it may reset itself. This will probably also make the alarm go off for a little while. What make is it?
Go online and look for the engineering there not supposed to put them on you might struggle. A local engineer might be able to clear the memory but he will need some info about make/model
No manual. Not our house. Will check out the manufacturer, but it has to be on to validate the house insurance.
If the engineer code is not default and you know the installation date try variations of the date as the code.