From 3mins to 6mins. Solly trying to guess Yorkshire slang meaning and Mowatt trying to guess German slang. Not sure what they meant with their comment about Romal Palmer but they said it very matter of factly.
I think it’s the rain from today that’s been the issue. The ground is already saturated, there’s nowhere else for the water to go. I think it’s time we invest in a hybrid pitch.
We don’t normally turf it, Usually from seed. The main pitch was relaid quite a few years ago after the drains collapsed. I don’t think our pitch has been consistently brilliant since the east stand was built. We have invested in 2 of those growing lamp rigs which does help, but I think we’re struggling overuse of a natural pitch.
Right, just got back from the pub, left early as it was dead. Solly mentioned 5 slang phrases: - 1) Daumen drücken - Press your thumb (fingers crossed). Knew that one. 2) Bananaflanke - curved cross (like Devaney's for Odejayiiiiiiiiii). Not heard it but worked it out. 3) Da steppt der Bär - The bear dances there (There's loads of fun in there, like my pub this evening). Knew that one. 4) Eine Extrawurst haben. To have a special sausage (to get special treatment). Didn't know that one. 5) Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen. Where the fox and hare say good night (middle of nowhere). Didn't know that one. So I knew 2, worked one out, didn't know the other two. 50% I reckon.
I wondered if they were talking about Simoes wanting special treatment but they put the wrong photo up?
Amazing. If I was single I'd now be intentionally trying to date a German girl, just so I could ask her if she wanted a "special sausage".