I did warn against too much thinking Mr Sparky. Of course some Scots don't believe in 'Great Britain.' Therefore whatever happens will be their fault.
Just have a read at what you put.... The inconvenient truth is that this is going to have a major effect on future global economics, whether that fits your rhetoric or not. “Covid you’re guessing?” Do me a favour. What crack are you on?
Unfortunately, many voters saw Corbyn as whatever the largely Tory-controlled media and press portrayed him as.
You’re right. It’s not lying, it’s deception and that’s far worse. Let’s see if I can come up with an example.... What about a man who looks like a funny, bumbling toff who loves his country – a harmless entertaining buffoon who promises everything you want What if all that’s an act and that man is really a morally-bankrupt, bare-face liar, working on behalf of millionaires who wants to line their own pockets? Just wondering what you’d make of that like. If it ever happened of course.
Full Fact state that 88% of the Tory Party adverts in the running up to the 2019 General Election were lies. Full Fact state that 13% of the Labour Party adverts in the running up to the 2019 General Election were lies. --- But they all lie.
To be fair, you have just proved that. Also adverts for labour were mainly what they would do... they never got chance to prove whether it was true or not. I’m not defending Tory lies, but the statement that all politicians lie appears to be true especially if the largest two parties in the country... maybe it’s time for a change?
The biggest damage that the likes of Johnson and Trump have done to the political process is make people believe that all politicians lie. They didn't, many still don't. They'd try to evade the question often enough, but they didn't lie. Now people believe they all lie, so all trust is gone, and those telling the truth are treated the same as those who lie. This hasn't happened by accident, it was meticulously planned and will mean those who stick to the truth will always lose as reality is never as appealing as fantasy. We're fk*ced and we're forever fc*ked because people believed the lie that all politicians lie.
My brother in law who is a transport manager for importing and exporting goods says that the Covid19 crisis is masking the difficulties of trade between us and the EU. They are in the **** already and are only operating at 25% of normal business. He's got 400,000 car parts stuck in Germany cos there's no one to do the paperwork!
I voted Green in 2015 incidentally - and I firmly believe that if they had a different name, they'd be a lot more popular. But people just see the word GREEN and ignore them as a bunch of tree huggers or whatever.
Why are we fk*ced? People moan and complain about anything and everything but seldomly give explanations or true facts.
I think that the image is that there are no policies further than the environment. Which taints the credibility as a governing party.
I've given the reason in the post you've replied to. The unscrupulous will continue to lie, the principled will tell you the truth. If you're lying you can always top the truth and as people think everyone is lying they'll go for the better option.
No, it’s lying. When Johnson said his deal meant there’d be no forms between NI and the mainland, when he was shown his own government’s docs that said the opposite he lied. What’s more he said that the stories in the newspaper were just Labour lies. It’s not party political to say that he lied. It’s not opinion, it’s fact. But he’s won (not the election) when politicians tell so many lies, and accuse everyone else of lying, they win. Because they make people like you believe that ‘they’re all as bad’. Sorry to have to break this to you, but it’s the kind of misinformation used by Hitler and Trump, you’re not unique historically. But it’s time to stop listening and start some critical thinking. Why did Johnson lie and then just say that Labour was lying?
If it's time for a change, why not remove the party who've been in power for 11 years, enforcing cut after cut after cut through ideology since way before covid or Brexit? Don't vote Green. They'll never win, it's literally pointless. Vote Labour, they're the better of two options, and do what you can to promote voting reform. What we need is PR, a system where voting Green could have an effect.
So there’s no difference between 88% and 13%? You wouldn’t rather have a goalie who stopped 88% of shots than one who stops 13%? Or is there no difference because they both ‘let some in’.
The problem with PR, and I'm not saying I'm against it, but it does have concerns, is that not only will voting Green have an affect, but voting for the national front or the BNP or UKIP or whatever odious right wing party has a small following at the time will also have an affect. They all die in time, when people realise their true nature, but they do so without causing much damage. With PR they will have politicians in parliament.