My Dad is just out from a 3 week hospital trip, in which he was also diagnosed having Covid. He's been packed up back home to my 79 year old Mum, with **** all support. Saw that King lovely person Hand-**** on TV today saying "roll up over 70's, come on down". The ******** pouring from his mouth made me gag. Utter lies. If your over 70 and haven't yet had the jab you can contact the NHS on the link and arrange a appointment for the jab hth. On the whole the vaccination rollout looks to be going well the best in the world infact.
I’ve had a text from my health centre warning me that they will be inviting me for one some time in the near future. I’m not sure I’ll be back in the UK in time, so I might miss my turn. Also I’m not sure I want it anyway.
My cousin and his wife have both decided that with the underlying health problems that they both have, as they never go anywhere, they are not going to have the vaccine. My cousin is 80 and has advanced Parkinson's Disease and his wife is 78 and has heart trouble and is allergic to penicillin and the flu vaccine.
Exactly our thoughts. Their three children are imploring them on an almost daily basis to change their minds without any success. I don't know if they have told me for a reason. I have a very good relationship with their parents from when I was the best man at their wedding in 1965. Obviously, I am concerned about their future well being, but quite frankly my cousin is very headstrong and I honestly don't think it's my place to offer them any advice on the matter.
I hope so. As yet all the platitudes I've heard make my blood boil. My Dad's deaf. Yes, just call 119. My Mum's 79. Just go online. Apart from showing my arse pn the town hall steps, not sure what I can do. I haven't got power of attorney. If I call I'm told I need to have them on the line. COVID? Utter ********. **** IT.
You can book appointments on their behalf it would appear
It only points you to a vaccination centre. My dead is bed bound. This is all horse **** to an 84 year old. I've tried speaking to their surgery and told I need them on the line. I live 30 miles away in Leeds. How the **** do I do that?
John, do you need any help mate? I can give you my number and we could try to sort something out tomorrow.
Latest crop of Polish skunk has arrived. Would you like me to see if i can get you some. Wont solve the issues at hand but youll have a good giggle.
Took my wife for her first jab yesterday she got a phone call from her gp to go up for 4.35pm got there for 4.25 to book her in so up to now everything was going fine upto getting up to 5 o'clock and she hadn't had her jab and everyone was coming in getting theirs and going home so I went back to reception told them I had booked my wife in at 4.25 for her jab appointment at 4.35 for her to turn round and say that they have got her down as she had had it then she said we will get her in next so what I am saying how can they get it so wrong by saying that she had had it when they hadn't even seen her.
John if you can get your mum and dads nhs number then you can book the appointment for them. I think even without the nhs # you can still book. Give it a go. Really feel for you with your COVID nightmare,
Thinking ... can your folks get themselves to the vaccination centre? I know round here they are coming out to those that can’t travel. Yo get this you will have to go through their gp surgery. Get ready for hours on the phone John.
Thanks, I've got a number to ring in Barnsley. I'm working all day, interviewing people for jobs, so I'm hoping I can get through on my lunch half hour. Dad is too unwell to be left & may not even need a jab. He tested positive for covid apparently in Barnsley District Hospital, after he'd been admitted the week previously having collapsed at home. As far as I know no tests were done to see if he has antibodies. As he is deaf & over 25 miles away from me it's nigh on impossible to do anything. Their doctors on Huddersfield Road would not speak to me about it. I didn't get past the receptionist on 3 occasions. Mum is self isolating up to Friday. I feel ******* helpless to do anything. I'd like to go down & sort it out, but can do next to nothing it seems. Meanwhile Hancock makes it sound like EVERYONE is being looked after. LIE.