Either he knew that there would be checks and so was lying. Or he misunderstood the deal he made and genuinely thought he was telling the truth in which case he's an incompetent buffoon. Which ever is the case he's clearly not fit to run a p155-up in a brewery never mind a government.
Whilst it’s easy to believe he was mistaken, I’m not buying it. He’s a proven liar, what’s more he knows that he gets away with lying (just look at how his followers react when his lies are pointed out). Lies are obviously a significant part of populist political landscape, truth matters less than saying what people want to hear. it’d be easier to believe that he was an idiot, if he wasn’t still pretending that the sh it and the fan have already collided. But whilst he keeps repeating that everything’s going to be OK eventually, people will create their own reality where the permanent damage caused is just ‘teething problems’.
It is entirely possible that he is *both* an idiot *and* lying. He famously doesn't have the attention span to read more than a couple of sides of paper, wants to be liked, and has a history of lying - including being sacked twice for it - including famously helping to arrange to have a journalist beaten up. He also has an history of winging it with no consequences for his actions. This means he believes he can do (or say) anything without anything bad happening to him. Until that changes, he won't - and it is unlikely to now. The problems that we are seeing are Brexit. They were always going to happen with any Brexit outside the SM and CU - and could only have been made worse by a WTO Brexit which would have added tariffs on top of the paperwork. Free Trade does not equal costless trade, just no tariff costs.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55997641 The boss of JD Sports thinks it's a shitshow and jobs will move to Europe as a result. The wins just keep on coming...
I saw earlier that Eustace was threatening to use the Royal Navy to stop French fishing vessels catching fish as allowed under the TCA. This would constitute: 1). An act of aggression against a member of NATO (and all the other members would have to intervene to defend them) 2). Who are a nuclear power 3). Who are currently ranked 6th strongest military power in the world (UK is 9th) 4). And it wouldn't take said angry fishermen much to cut off imports to the UK completely
And now they are going to rename fish and crabs to make them more appealing to us If it was that easy, why didn't they do it years ago and sell to the home market ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-cornwall-55996938?__twitter_impression=true
(Van Der Valk theme tune playing.....) https://www.ft.com/content/3dad4ef3-59e8-437e-8f63-f629a5b7d0aa
I've been trying to get this across to the dumb bresickteers for years. I hope this business doesn't go under for her employees sake but if she does I hope she gets dragged into the mire, would be interesting to see if she likes a bit of old Universal Credit.