"I think businesses up and down the country want a cautious approach to reopening" I think you're wrong you pollock
Whoever has just addressed Boris on BBC one is the only person I've seen so far have the balls to tell him no Boris, you have evaded a question, now answer it. And is also the only person I've seen address him to his face and tell him he is responsible for thousands of deaths. Top man And surprise surprise, he completely sidestepped both questions and waffled his way past the second one one even when the man was trying to stop him He needs a ******* bullet. He's killing people and ruining millions of lives and doing exactly as he pleases. We live in a dictatorship
Problem is, if you open up too soon (and there is no significant statistical evidence *yet* that vaccination is reducing death rates as opposed to the lockdown - hopefully that will be here within days) we will have to lockdown again - and no bugger wants *that*. (worth reading the full thread about the stats) Slow and steady really does win the race. Lets get it sorted, then *everyone* can get back to enjoying life and complaining about Sheffield Wednesday and laughing at Sheff Utd.
But if the vaccines don't work then in all honesty we've got to just open up straight away because the options at that point are open up or lock down forever.
Tbh the company I work for would rather he gets the timing right than him rushing us headlong back into it and lands us with another lockdown. That approach screws us worse than timing it right and a steady emergence
There simply can't be another lockdown. We either reopen or lockdown forever surely. After a year you have to make a decision
I know what you mean but I’m glad I haven’t got to make the decision because if we jump straight back in and the numbers fly up we are nearly sure to get locked down again .
Holidays now illegal, people losing there minds come on boris unlock us. They cannot be another lockdown after this one if the vaccines don't work we have to learn to live with it locking down only puts the spread on hold cant keep doing it were all just existing not living.
If we are not into some sort of normality by May or close to then get ready. Do you think people who have been vaccinated are going to keep sitting at home and not see their friends? Do you think travel agents, the players in the hospitality industry are going to not start rattling cages... Barring a few zealots I suspect the vast majority of normal people are fed up of lockdown.
Patience is needed at the mo. Once the vaccine has reached All that want it. Then it may be the time to consider learning to live with it. Until then. Steady away. so to speak. Trouble is relax too soon. And as the saying goes. Give an inch and take a mile. Has has happened far too often by those who are irresponsible. Hence further lockdowns. Boris has screwed up monumentally. The consequences are dire. And when you are at the wrong end of Covid be it personally or close relationships. Folk may then, begin to understand why so many, are still fearful of the consequences of ignoring basic rules.
It was telling how he "answered" a cutting question about indecision from the government by being evasive, indecisive and not coming close to answering the question. Perfect summing up of his time in office.
By the same token the vast majority of people are fed up of the idiots. 1. Governments poor handling and 2. the morons who treat it as Just another flu. Even now.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9245901/UK-coronavirus-vaccines-children-end-year.html The government looking in to giving a vaccine to everyone regardless of age. The goal posts keep changing.
It does seem to be seasonal, by the end of May we’ll have had the warmer weather and every adult will have been offered the jab. If daily infections are over 1000 I’d be amazed, deaths under 30 a day. As this is a global problem we need to have the jab rolled out to as many people as possible in the rest of the world. If not, could be holidays to Israel only!!
I can't see foreign travel this year, the measures they have put in have a smell of permanence or at least not to be revoked in the short term. Genuine question, who owns the quarantine hotels? are they tory donors/ associates ? Also, they can lockdown as many times as they decide, what's to stop them ?
Nobody is presenting the data accurately. Every presentation is used to support a particular point of view and the lack of facts, and the lack of motivation for people to demand the facts, is quite alarming. It's a sensitive topic, but from June up until the end of the year deaths by all causes wasn't an anomaly vs. the highs of the last five years. We've now got data that does show a significantly increased number for January vs. the last five years, but we've also got a cold snap that will be playing havoc with those numbers too. And let's not pretend that lockdown doesn't cause deaths/hinder recovery in some cases too. I've always been a big believer in supporting the hospitals wherever possible, but the true picture of the last six months is never reported in the mainstream media. If lockdown goes beyond April it will be too much for people - it already is to be honest. We're not all the same, we're not all wired up to be ok with self-isolation, and we're not all able to cope with those environments. Yes some might bend the rules, but who's to say some aren't doing it because they have to? I thought this assessment was bang on the money and probably an opinion supported by the majority.
Alpt of people are just fed up in general mental health cases are rocketing. Lets hope these vaccines work because people are fed up of just existing.