They wont. Its more SAGE sounding off with constant doom and gloom. Once the top 4 vulnerable groups are vaccinated and the kids are back in school they cant justify any more long term lockdowns. And there wont be another one.
Be interesting to see how other country's governments behave regarding loosening lockdown restrictions. I'm sure I read Bojo the Clown and co. were surprised at how easily the population took to restrictions at the start of the pandemic. Bit ironic if taking back control of our borders means that we can't leave our own country.
You and others said that about mask wearing as well when it was made mandatory in the Summer, and time is increasingly proving you completely wrong and us correct. Yes, I think it's permanent, absolutely. The narrative is coming through that we can't allow travel until everyone across the world is vaccinated - because the threat of folk picking up other strains is too high. Notwithstanding how long it will take to get the world vaccinated - and even if you think that'll be done in mega quick time - say, two years, how long do you think airlines are going to survive? I'd be astounded if they're not nearly all all-in on having a bumper summer season this year. Without serious pushback against this narrative, now, international air travel is finished. It's done. I can't believe people are honestly incapable of joining the dots between measures being announced and their ultimate consequences. It's completely irrelevant whether or not you think those consequences are intentional or not. It's literally as simple as if the airlines are starved of another year's revenue they will go bust and that's that. And I'm not stupid, mate. Far from it. I have different opinions to you. I thought you were better than Donny-Red.
Purposely ruining international travel is going to do wonders for the climate change narrative with governments all around the world pushing the same build back better slogan.
It’s not permanent though is it? It’s longer than anyone wanted. Remember that nobody wants any of this. People just accept that right now it’s necessary. It’s an ever evolving situation and it makes sense to recommend against booking holidays right now. That doesn’t mean they’re forever. Just because there’s no crystal ball to see when they need to end doesn’t mean they will never end. Just like when a milestone gets pushed back it doesn’t either. And for the record I didn’t call you stupid, because I don’t believe you truly think it’s permanent. Permanent means forever. I know you don’t think international travel will never happen again. Whatever you say, you just can’t possibly actually think that. It just doesn’t make sense.
There's probably a school of thought that air travel had gone too far. People flying for the sake of flying, £10 tickets, weekend in Malta etc. My brother in law flew to Holland several times a week before the pandemic for meetings.
Would it make you feel better then if I said "not for at least five years". Let me ask you the question the other way round then. What do you think needs to happen to allow normal punters like you and I to go on foreign holidays again, in order to satisfy the level of risk that the likes of SAGE are saying needs to happen?
I just want to point out that 5 years isn’t permanent. I don’t think it’ll be anywhere close to that long but that’s still a long way from permanent. And that’s the point I was making. It’s hyperbole to try and scare people into agreeing with you on covid restrictions. As for your second point I think once we reach a level of vaccination that means we see a large reduction in cases and in deaths it’ll be very hard to keep domestic restrictions to any level like what we’ve seen over the last year. I don’t think we need 100% vaccinated or anything like that but it needs a lot more than just over 50s or whatever vaccinated. We need to get to herd immunity with the vaccines. I don’t know what that looks like and I think it’ll have to be a slow easing while tracking what the effect is, but I think that will be it domestically at that point. The restrictions on foreign travel depends a lot on what other countries do. For example right now there’s not many places that would let you in. I don’t know what the timeline looks like for international travel but I think this summer is unlikely for ‘unrestricted travel’ not just because of what we’re doing here but also because of what other countries are doing. Worth remembering that money controls the world. There’s a lot of money in international travel. Far too much for it to ever go away anywhere close to permanently.
Most planes built in the last few years can fly on bio-fuel made from non-edible crops (it’s up to airlines to adopt it now) , within 10 years we will have engines powered by 100% green electricity. But, there will be none of this if we continue to live in internal exile listening to the doom mongers on the big tv- “we have always been at war with Eurasia.”
Sounds like you agree then that there will be no international travel allowed for the foreseeable future? Presumably you also agree, because it's simple commonsense cause and effect, that we'll see the majority of airlines go bust?
I think it will be taken out of their hands. Look at it from another perspective. Come March when the top 4 areas of vulnerability have had their jab or at least offered it, cases are trundling at a couple of 1000 a day, deaths have dropped dramatically and school corridors arent awash with the dead... The older generation. You said vaccines were the way out. Well Ive had my jab. Why cant I see my friends and family ? The younger generation. You said vaccines were the way out .If nothing is reopening, whats the point of having the vaccine? The entire lockdown will fold like a pack of cards. Not forgetting the cost. I would hate to earn about 25K or whatever the benefit cap is going forward as you are going to get loved raw by the taxman.
So the lockdown is working? Even with people ignoring it? But when deaths were still going up the lockdown wasnt working because people were ignoring it.
Did anyone say that? People ignoring it makes a mockery of what people are sacrificing and makes it all worse, but the reason it carried on going up after lockdown started was clearly because there’s a delay between infection -> case -> death and I’ve not seen anybody explain it otherwise. We are already being drip fed information to scare the population about future pandemics with how many could die and how often they might happen. Getting through C19 will take until the next one comes along.
Yeah I recall Harry Redknapp struggling with his kids homeschooling & having to use his savings to keep his business afloat.