You can all mock but all this var and lines are nonsense,only way you tell is linesman looking directly across
Improved the reputation of the club and thats the main things we've got to improve. Played well in front of a worldwide audience, plenty of viewers over the pond as well.
Abrahams is in an offside position when the ball is played to James , in the middle of the pitch , he remains in an offside position when the ball is passed to him by James .at what point did Abrahams become on side ?
When the ball is played to James, Abraham isn't active. He had nothing to do with that phase of play. He then becomes active when the cross is played to him from James - when he is onside. The rule is poor, as Abraham has obviously gained an advantage from his initial position - but according to the rules of the game this doesn't matter. He only becomes active once the cross comes in. To coin a phrase, hope this helps.
He was well offside throughout the move. That he can now apparently legally goal hang then drop back behind the ball at the last second to score is, to me, beyond ludicrous. The purpose behind the offside law has been rendered defunct by pillocks in suits. It may as well be scrapped altogether.
The picture doesn`t even show the ball or the crosses foot so how can folk be so sure with that as evidence.
Still doesn't address the fact that he came back from an offside position which until recently was (correctly IMHO) flagged offside. Remember the lino gesture waving an arm across his chest to signal coming back from offside? To change that interpretation is to defeat the purpose of offside.
He literally did. When James crossed the ball he is onside. Anything else previous doesn't matter - the rule is daft, but he's onside.
Whilst at least the ball is in shot and the players foot is also has he touched the ball yet, can you get me an angle from behind the net please. Not arguing one way or the other, it was given and that`s that, but that first screenshot didn`t even have the ball in it.
I think a good tactic on the future may be to get Dyke to just stand on the 18 yard box at all times. Then get the quickest attacker we’ve got in one of the channels to bomb forward as soon as they get the ball. Then lay it across to him. He won’t be fatigued or battling to get in front of defenders, he’ll already be there for a tap in. Note to self, contact Val.