thought's ?
Can't stand her. She's an awful person and an embodiment of the "I'm fine so **** you" ladder pulling attitude which is de rigeur for Tories these days.
She's not on her own is she ? QPR have dropped it altogether (Les Ferdinad said something along the lines of its just a meaningless PR exercise now, Lyle Taylor did the same, there's others. Just cos she's 'orrible doesn't actually make her unique in this view.
Priti Patel - the true face of the modern Tory. End of.... foul bitch. Arguably worse than Thatcher.....
Whoa whoa, let's not get carried away, she's rancid but worse than SuperDuper cow Thatcher,mmmmmmmmm.
I think what Ferdinand actually said was along the lines of that taking the knee had lost its impact, wasn't effective enough and stronger action was needed.
She's a truly despicable thing (I was going to say "person" or "human being" but she fits neither description).
She needs to learn to use much more moderate language. No way is 'dreadful' an appropriate word to describe 'taking the knee.' She is already passe in terms of her stance and language on so many issues and harks back to the mind set of Dominic Cummings, Nigel Farage and the like. We need a more educated, erudite and conciliatory personality as Home Secretary for the post-Brexit era. She is still capable of stirring up a lot of division and tension. Time for a reshuffle, Boris!!
I heard that interview this morning. She dodged, blustered, changed subject on every question (she wouldn’t even offer support for MET police chief Cressida Dicks) except the supporting BLM question. Straight away, unequivocally NO!