Just been announced that the tribunal dealing with his second impeachment has found Donald Trump not guilty of inciting the violence that occurred at the Senate building following the rabble rousing call for his supporters to " fight" in early January 2021.
It was always going to happen. His cronies were never going to vote against him. Essentially a trial where a portion of the jury are complicit in the crimes.
his defence wiped the floor with house managers to be fair, now main stream media is crying because of making mistake of playing all the defence live, democrat house managers shown to have doctored videos etc Trumps defence,watch it and they made them look stupid
His not guilty verdict was nothing to do with doctored evidence or otherwise whether true or not , That’s just the excuse they are using , his not guilty verdict was **** scared senators looking after their seats in the Capitol pure and simple and it was always gonna be this choose what evidence doctored or not .
gosh are you a time traveller, just shows how one wrong number or a edited video can alter everything
And yet despite immense pressure from the maga base to acquit him the vote in favour of convicting was 57 to 43 including seven Republicans. There's plenty of stupid surrounding this. None of it is attached to the prosecution.
Eh? You didn’t do anything of the sort. You wrote a paragraph literally 5 posts above this explaining how his defence had won the day, and then linked to a crazy website about doctored videos. it’s there. You wrote it.
You're beyond the effort of arguing with. Time after time on subject after subject you spout utter rubbish. Another for the ignore list. Might I suggest you read the definition of liberal and try to understand that what it means is not the evil you love trying to paint it as.
all I put was the trumps defence up and said proving the democrats doctored videos, made the democrats look stupid, why is anyone worrying about Trump, he is finished he will be stuck in Florida for ever , he not going to win anything ,he as got people killed even if he did not mean to, reckon the morons sat in jail now feel pretty stupid wasting their lives for the fool
Two major issues with the prosecution’s case here and the way they approached it. First of all they said Trump wasn’t being incited for his words/speech causing an insurrection but because he openly claimed there was fraud. There’s a challenge to convict there when others in the house have claimed those same things in the last four years with no punishment. Secondly, the reason they couldn’t impeach him based on his words is because similar words have been used by Democrats on Twitter or live on television. Trump obviously used them more often through constantly repeating them, but they were still used by both sides. This hasn’t done anything to restore anyone’s faith in US politics. Those who wanted an impeachment haven’t got one. Those who didn’t have an opinion have just seen it as a waste of energy and time, especially considering this vote played out this way two weeks ago already so on that basis shouldn’t have even gone to trial. The fanatical element have been proven right which isn’t good either. You can completely argue about how people voted and the legitimacy of those votes though, but the above facts still remain.
Boris Johnson who said Trump deserves a Nobel peace prize is running round No.10 having a giddy fit shouting he's hit them Fire and Fury.
I never said liberal is evil, they doctored the videos in evidence and made themselves look stupid ,but doing this in desperation to get Trump as backfired ,Trump is a brain dead idiot and anyone who follows him is not far behind,ignore me if you want, its just same as all this cancelling thats going on if anyone dares put anything the majority do not like