What I don't fully understand is why he wasn't on the list to be one of the first to be vaccinated in the week prior to his well deserved holiday. I doubt any reasonable person would have denied him that after his fantastic fund raising success. I'm sure hindsight is a wonderful thing but maybe a little foresight could have given him more time. Never the less he was a fantastic role model for everyone in this country. He really did have an eventful and fantastic last year of life. An example to us all.
I don't get why him having the vaccine is being washed from history by the media. It was reported by outlets such as Sky News that he had the vaccine, but when he died it came out that he hadn't had it. This article Janet Street Porter did is just one example of history being changed. The first two links mentioning the widely published news that he's had the vaccine and the next two links showing the article edited to take him out. https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20210204-221437_instagram-jpg.419611/ https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20210204-221434_instagram-jpg.419612/ https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20210204-221516_instagram-jpg.419613/ https://tattle.life/attachments/screenshot_20210204-221453_instagram-jpg.419614/
Scarlett Johansson knocking on your door, shagging you senseless and then when you've nodded off she double taps you in the back of the head. That would be my way to go.
I read that he'd had 2 bouts of pneumonia since the holiday and it was following admission to hospital for the second one that he contracted covid 19. He couldn't have the vaccine because of the medication he was on for the pneumonia. His daughter said there had been awful trolling because of the holiday which they didn't tell him about and concentrated on the positive messages with him.